Friday, November 14, 2008


Today for the first time I have no words to say, no wisdom to share, no messages to relay. This week I have had to listen, be told, be taught, and be informed to be transformed.

Today I have finally learnt that I am the weakest link in this partnership, that every time I say “I’m too tired, I can’t do this? I was not taught it at school, I am in the wrong place” I am reminded to look at my sister, who rose above her weakness and challenged herself to succeed. Who refused to be intimidated by her weakness, and boldly picked up the manual for her life and transformed her life.

She is no better than you are, but she held on believing that God who has given her this opportunity called life, has provided the wherewithal to succeed. So that when she sees Him, she would tell Him I might have been given one, but see what I’ve done with it (Matt. 25:14). No excuses, no self pity, no reliance on others, only the belief that because the Lord our God is with us (2 Chronicles 32:7b - Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged…; 2 Chronicles 20:20b - Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld), He is more than able to bring us to an expected end.

What will you tell God when you see HIM? Today for the first time I have no words to say, no wisdom to share, no messages to tell. Today I am listening.

News just in..

Life of a stranger will be featuring also weekly monday posts called poetic mondays (did I say every mondays - these will be posts written by none other than by my very good friend and, watch out for the first installment on monday.. Loves it..)


chichi said...

'So that when she sees Him, she would tell Him I might have been given one, but see what I’ve done with it (Matt. 25:14). No excuses, no self pity, no reliance on others, only the belief that because the Lord our God is with us...'

anything i dare to dream is possible!!


Jennifer A. said...

Sometimes all we can even do is sit down and listen sef...

Yay for "Poetic Mondays" (I love poetry). :)

Kafo said...

sometimes the best words we speak are silent

can't wait for mondays


thanks for this lesson. I continue to learn to listen...