Monday, December 29, 2008

Poetic Mondays - Untitled

Am but a soul looking for the truth
In a world that could show no light
What first stirs a man's soul
The realities of death perhaps
When I was a youth
I took life for granted

the earth was playground for my free spirit

But youth grows up and with it the search for the meaning of life
But where to find it
Who could say

Nature was my guiding star
To tread the sun backed fields
And see what’s underneath my native knees

And when night fell
With its dreams I would wonder beyond the stars
Where was I to find the truth
Sure, I heard of God and his son Jesus
But I was not sure

But all the same there was something in my heart

Which said, keep looking keep looking
So the years, years went by
Old dreams went and new dreams came
Oh!!! God, my soul yearns for the truth

Was my cry, until one day
A knock on the door
I was about to say
When something came over me
Come in to my surprise

Oh!!!!!!! What a day, what a day
When the sun shone on my weary soul
A never to be forgotten moment
The day I will behold your face

..............................................................................ETN 05/12/08 - LIFE

I am curretly away on Birthday, Christmas and New year Holidays, but have scheduled posts for Poetic Mondays. Hope you enjoy them.Merry Christmas Everyone. See you in 2009 Godwilling.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Poetic Mondays - You and Me

Its my Birthday week, and I am so excited to have this posted. I am in love with poetry and with him more today than ever ( I am still away in Nigeria, hope these Poetic monday posts have warmed the heart, as much as they've warmed mine). Merry Christmas Everyone, see you in 2009 Godwilling.

You and Me

When the winds rushes over the sweeping plain
I think of your hair how long and beautiful they are
Tossed long and flowing

When I see your face smiling at the jokes I make
I see a flushed valley summer still
And a couple who wander in the heat of the day

Your eyes when they glitter and the fragment's ferment
Tell of a sea and sky and an island of sand
With the palms swaying gently, while the owls decry

You next to me
Tell of a tall young tree
In spring time a-growing and summer to come
And am alone here wishing the day you shall be called mine

..............................................................................ETN 28/11/08 - LIFE

Monday, December 15, 2008

Poetic Mondays - Angel of Love

Angel of Love

Couched I lie in your bosom deep
In scarlet walls of velvet
steep, soft, dew pearled, in the early morn

To quaff your nectar
To breathe your scent
You are outlined, most reverent
A scarlet rose in an English garden
You are indeed a beauteous thing
If long I couch
Please beg my pardon
For your beauty makes my sad heart sing
What would the artist give
To capture your tinted hues of scarlet rapture
You are my angel of love

..............................................................................ETN 05/12/08 - LIFE

I am curretly away on Birthday, Christmas and New year Holidays, but have scheduled posts for Poetic Mondays. Hope you enjoy them.Merry Christmas Everyone. See you in 2009 Godwilling.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Lord is INDEED GOD

It’s that time of the year already, and 9days to my birthday. This year without a shadow of a doubt has been the year, when I sought the Lord in all earnest. When I entered into this year, I was told it would be a year of rejoicing, a year the Lord will send rain to my “parched” life (1 Kings 18:1). To be rest assured, and to go eat and drink for indeed there was a sound of heavy rain coming (I Kings 18: 41). I went home rejoicing, and when the time came, I expected the breakthrough to come from the troubles that overwhelmed me at the time. I also expected a loud “hullabaloo”, loud noises to usher in the opening of the heavens. Well to be very honest I expected a great deal to have happened, but when the Lord did it, and the way He did it, I could never have imagined it would happen in such a way, and gently so (1 Kings 19:11-12).

For years now I have always dreaded celebrating my birthday (I enjoyed the cakes, the attention and the presents that came with it, but the number of candles on it appeared to be increasing); and even though I had much to be glad about, and have been blessed with so much during this young life of mine, there was that particular one that eluded me so; and even though this year have been wrought with troubles (which I am here to declare to you that will not come a second timeNahum 1:9), and bad choices, I thank God that after the wind that tore up the mountains, the earthquake and the fire, He was there, he came and is here to stay. My gentle giant.

And so as I end this Happy Friday Everyone series for this year, I would like to take this fine opportunity to thank God, for indeed He has been so so good to me. And would also ask you too to thank Him on my behalf, for He has been faithful and true, and has brought His promises to me this year to pass. Recently also, He reminded me again of things, dreams I had kept in the back burner, which I thought might have been a tad too silly. Dreams I’ve had for a while now, which at the time of their inception thought the Lord was speaking to me about. Fast forward four years later, He’s still telling me to go back to them. Because He is watching to see that every word He has promised to me, He’ll bring to pass (Jer. 1:12). So I ask you, what dreams have the Lord spoken to you and is still speaking to you about? Go back to them. Examine them again. It does not matter how long you’ve had them. Keep holding onto them.

Truly this 2008 has been a remarkable year for me, in terms of my relationship with God, my faith in Him, and my confidence and Hope that He is more than able to bring to pass everything He has said He will do. And rightly so this year like the Lord did for Elijah in 1 Kings 18:37-38, The Lord too have done for me. And not only did he answer with fire, He showed up too with an abundance of rain. Lord I thank you for WHO YOU are. And I thank you Lord for choosing to lavish your blessing on me. I guess favour really isn’t fair.

Have a wonderful Christmas Everyone, and I believe 2009 will be a superb year for all of us. As my gentle giant keeps reminding me, it will indeed be a year that we will excel. Only believe. Watch me Rise ya’ll. You had better join me too.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Poetic Mondays - I shall love you

I Shall Love You

I shall love you
Till poets no longer rhyme
Till church bells refuse to chime
Till my hands cannot hold the sands of time

And I shall love you
Till a memory no longer lingers
Till the world produces no singers
Till the sand of time slip through my fingers

And I shall love you
Till children never play in the street
Till babies never search for the teat
Till the sand of time fall to my feet

And I shall love you
Till there's no one left to save
Till the sea can make no wave
Till the sand of time fill up my grave.......

..............................................................................ETN 05/12/08 - LIFE

Friday, December 05, 2008

I Believe in God

As part of the concerted effort on the blogsphere carried out on the 1st of Dec., (An idea initiated by the loveliest Zoe Believer) I would like to do a Happy Friday everyone series on this. But I will have to confess I have not done this by myself. It’s a joint effort between me and him.

Last night I spoke to B and R about the Will of God. I was testifying to them how being in the Lord’s will is by far the most important. That in spite of where I am or where I think I ought to be, that where He has placed me and what He has offered me is by far the best. And that to be in His will and be at peace is what matters the most.

I believe in God, especially when I know that when I was not saved He was so busy at work to bring me under the saving grace of Jesus. He held out hope that one day, today that I will know Him and make my mind up to follow Him all the days of my life

I believe in God, because if not for Him, the troubles that overwhelmed me would have sent me to the depths of the grave, but for Him. For he is indeed my God that delivers me with His mighty hand

I believe in God, because in the midst of my sorrow, He granted me peace, in the midst of my confusion He gave me joy, in the midst of dishonour, He upheld me, in the midst of disgrace, He displayed me, and in the midst of my enemies, He enlarged my footsteps so that I would continue to stand head and shoulder above them

I believe in God, because I know for a fact under human reasoning I will not be where I am today; because He has already loved me, and not because of what I’ve done, but because He is love and that’s all that matters

I believe in God, for he promised me in the book of Gen. 4:6-7 that if I believe in him and follow His precepts, that my life will be bright with joy, but where I refuse, that I should watch out for sin is waiting to attack, longing to destroy, but these I know I can conquer only by believing in him

I believe in God, for in the book of Deut. 26:16-18, he commanded me to believe in him wholeheartedly, that I should - obey all of these commandments and ordinances that the Lord your God is given you today, having declared today that he is your God and have promised to obey and keep his laws and ordinances and to heed to all he tells me to do

I believe in God, for he said I should let everything that I do reflect my love of the truth and the fact that I am indeed honest about it, by believing in him he has assured me that His plans towards me is not what I should work out, neither are his thoughts the same as mine, for just as the heavens are higher than the earth , so are God's ways higher than mine and yours, this He confirmed in Isa. 55:8-9, and because He said it, I believe in him

I believe in God, because He speaks and His words comes to pass, for He is indeed faithful and true

I believe in God, for if I were given to the end of time, it would not be enough to declare his goodness to me. And if I were to write out my reasons for believing in Him, all the word document allowance will not be enough to write it all out. And due to the size of the document, it would be too large to be sent via the internet. So I’ll stop here.

So how about you? Who do you believe in? Think about it. Is your life displaying the life style worthy of whom you believe in?

Thursday, December 04, 2008

How Saved are You?

She led him by the hand, and he was out of breath, She led Granddad to safety, and then she suffered death, the ones that were responsible will think upon this deed, Warning have been given, but these they did not heed. The only excuse they can give, a bullet went astray, but the facts cannot be altered, they took her life away. As she lay upon the ground, little arms by her side, her Granddad stood and wept and wept, until the poor mite died. People clustered round, horror on their face, to take the life of one so young, a terrible disgrace, the men, and I mean men; the police of our country carried her lifeless body and passed down in between people young and others old who stood on either side of the never-ending road in which the ''kiddy'' died. Each man that carried her, his face was full of awe, for in his arms, limp and still, a child of only four, peaceful and content, in one way, or the other, the smile upon her waxen face, I’m sure was meant for mother, with her she'll be united one day at heavens door, They'll pause awhile, then enter to live for evermore.

All who used a gun, or took part in this affray, please stand, think, and study, through each passing day, then go along to church and when you are within repent to the lord, this is a story of what happened in Nigeria some days past, how the life of an innocent child was taken by a stray bullet due to crises in the area; I can tell u that the men involved in this act didn’t know God. If I may ask you, you reading this, who do you believe in? Do you know God, have you known him, and those of us that do, if an innocent child like that could be hit by stray bullet on trying to take his Granddad to safety, what about you? If God forbid, something was to happen to any of us, what story will you’re life’s events be?

Today I would like to take the opportunity to introduce the arts and literature event organised by Farafina Magazine”. If you would like to hurry down along, more information can be found on , I won’t be able to make it, but I trust it would be too much fun. I hope they continue to organise more events that I can attend. So see you tomorrow for Happy Friday Everyone.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Poetic Mondays - Thoughts of a New Week!!

Thoughts of a New Week

For this Monday I give you this
May each awakening Monday morning
Be blessed in thine adorn
As stars at night-
Shine forth their light-
In grace to greet the dawn of that weekend

May each day bring anew-
Thy word so constant true
Let voices sing-
To praise our king-
Who died for me and you

May each approaching noon-
Evolve from May till June
For in this trace
This human race-
Shall seek our saviour soon

May each attending night
Behind its depths, thy light
Glow-by our side
God –be our guide
Our hope, our Faith, our righteousness

..............................................................................ETN 28/11/08 - LIFE