Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sittin on the Dock of Life

Whenever I listen to Otis Redding (sittin On) The Dock of The Bay, it reminds me so much of my life before now. The way I started to slowly give up on the plans the Lord had for me, the purpose of the journies. I had let my self go to a point where I no longer cared if I suceeded or not.

Then one day on my way back from naples in Italy, as I laid exhusted on the train station floor, by myself, wasn't even sure if I had fainted from the lack of sleep, with the tannoy anouncements of the train departures on full blast - I heard him, three times "Life of Stranger, before too long you will have cause to praise him. Life of stranger Before it's over, you will have cause to prasie God. Life of a stranger... you will have cause to glorify God". I woke up immediately. I wondered to myself if I had just imagined it. I wasn't thinking of anything par-se. Nor was my mind engaged in anything. All I knew before then was, I was tired and desperately needed sleep. I realised it must have been God, of whom I thought had forgotten me, and I was now living the fruits of my past mistakes.
I woke up dusted myself, and started praising God. A month after that encounter, I collapsed in my office all by myself almost dying until my colleagues found me after 9pm at night. God is not a man that He should lie, nor does His words return to Him void. He has spoken great things concerning me, therefore lonliness nor death was not going to take that away. I thank God for choosing me inspite of it all.

I dont know if there is anyone feeling lonley today, or feel they have nothing to live for, or it appears that nothing will come their way, so they've settled to just live and let their life continue to roll away. I am here to tell you that nothing in your life is ever destined to remain the same. I am here to tell you that regardless of where you are now, God is forever with you.
Just yesterday as I spoke to my friend and how we reminiced about the time she came to visit me here on the mountains of Italy, and how I confessed with my lips, the impossibility of anyone ever finding me here. Even with the kind of faith she had, after she had looked at my surrounding and had spent some time here with me, she concured and wondered how can it ever be possible. But today here I am to testify even in the tickest of forests or highest of mountains, even in the lonliest of journies or longest of roads, God is with you and when it is your time to be blessed it will come to pass.

And so it came to pass.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Beware of Judas' Kiss!

"A kiss is done out of familarity or out of love for someone". I've found myself many atimes, whenever I meet friends kissing them on both cheeks was usually the norm. Yes familarity. Yes lovingly.
n Psalm 41:9 - "Even my close friend, whom I trusted, he who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me". I am reminded that we will always face one form of dissappointment or the other in our life's relationships. We ought not to be unaware of the devices of the enemy. To watch our close friends, people we surround ourselves with, so they don't lead us to total destructions. We need to watch and be prayerful always. Watch the companies we keep, to remember that not everyone is wishing us good progress and happyness.

"A kiss that comes from unexpected quarters, a kiss that someone that close to you could deal". We don't know the heart of the people we surround ourselves with - a heart that is desperateyly wicked, no one can fathom -Jeremiah 17:9 - People that are destroying you that are supposedly helping you - Matthew 15:18-19 - beware of them.

"A kiss that's given out of jealousy" - not everyone can stand your success. Remember, the Lord will surely lift you up, but remember not every one will be really happy with you. To remember that not everyone can stand your sucess.

"A kiss thats given from a loose tongue" - James 3: 5-6 - a loose tongue can make or cause those who would never want to turn against you to turn against you. Ordinarily this person would never turn against the friend, but their friend's loose tongue causes MISTRUST and hatred, which once gone is impossible to get back. Betrayal is a very terrible thing to happen in any frienship, not to be wished upon anyone. Therefore be careful whom you place your trust in. Remember, adversaries may rise up becasue you do not know the spirit of the person you are talking to. Tread carfeully people.

In order to overcome all, we ought to be spiritually alert. To learn not to open our mouth to talk everything we feel needs to be heard. To excercise God's wisdom, and find out the best ways of saying things, so that it will never be misunderstood. We need to READ and KNOW the word of God, and find out how to apply it.

Isa. 59:9 - "So justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We look for light, but all is darkness; for brightness, but we walk in deep shadows". Gal. 6:7 - "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows" - Let us endeavour not to engage in Judas' kiss. Not to be deceived, that whatever a man sows that is exactly what they will receive. There will be a mighty penalty to pay if one is not careful. Let the act go. If you are he/she that goes about digging other peoples grave with your kiss, be very aware, same can easily be done to you. This is our year of new beginings. Let us continue to keep in mind that life is so precious.

God forbid if anything were to happen to any of you, what would YOU be remembered for? Think about it.

I pray that I will never be engaged in bringing people down, be engaged in discussing or destroying the trust many have placed upon me, not to be a Judas to anyone who entrusts so much to me. I also ask us all to say this short prayer - Forgive me God for all the times that I have betrayed people that trusted me. Lord forgive me in Jesus Name. Amen.

Monday, June 09, 2008

I have a testimony to tell

Can I get you, someone to lend me just an ear?
I tell you the Lord has been too good to me,
Is my words and plea falling on deaf ears?
Come and hear what the Lord has done for me
I can hardly contain myself

I cannot keep this any longer to myself
I must speak and testify of His goodness,
I must confess of his countless mercies and grace
I must shout aloud His favours and too many open doors

I really need you to give me a min
Someone, anybody
He’s not a man to lie
His promises He has brought to pass
Plans long ago is accumulating to my now breakthroughs

I don’t know where to begin,
But I have to start from somewhere

Why oh why God have you refused to forget me
Why oh why have You insisted on blessing me so
Of my faith I am the least
Of those that doubted I was the champion
Of those that encountered resistance I was the first to make a negative suggestion

Ever ready to bow off
Ever ready to make an excuse as why the opposition
Ever ready to drink
that mind destructing liquor

But your grace and mercy have forever been sufficient for me
To love and forgive me for your sake
To favour me even when it’s not merited
To favour me even when it’s not fair

Have I told you lately Lord that I love you

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Away from me

Let down I think not
You are consumed with rivalry, revelry
Opulence, negligence,

But who are You
Does these feeling exist in one
So fond of life, love
One so strong that embodies success

Disappointed, dismayed, I think so

Why must You be the bane of so many emotions
That epitomizes that which is abhorred, scorned
And ridiculed by many
Such strong passions, such pain, such hate
I’m I making sense

Why must you insists on ruining
Lives so marked
Paved, Surrounded and Deep-rooted in Love

Away from me