Friday, October 03, 2008

The Track of no Return.......

This week work wise has been quite challenging as well as demanding and for the first time in years I can safely say I have been very busy, and most definitely back on track, the track that can only lead me all the way to a successful finish.

Some years back, after the end of my studies, a plan was drafted, the directions that would lead into my future was visible, and all the roads that led to it was clearly mapped out, with all the refresher points all clearly highlighted. Not too long after submitting my thesis, I was given an alternative route, a road completely unknown to me, a route that had nothing to do with what I had spent the last three years studying, a challenge, my highest achievement and at the time was a boast to my ego. No sooner had I embarked on the journey did I realize that the road had deviated exceeding from the original plan, at which point it had become impossible for me to see what was now ahead of me, a future which had all but erased, where I was headed unknown.

After a while in the unknown, I had started to feel the way Peter felt during Jesus’ transfiguration – Matt. 17:4 - Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah." - and started to believe the deviation was a good idea, and it was best I started making plans for settling. As if to say it was pointless trying to find my way back to the original plan, I might as well start getting used to the idea that there were indeed no roads that could ever lead me back.

Many times I couldn’t help but wonder how it is that such a Blessing could lead me away from my well drafted plans. I found that with each passing moment, that the motivation to keep going was ebbing away, and I was slowing giving up on my dreams. Interestingly enough, looking back now, even from the onset of the journey the road that would lead me back to the dream, was always available to me, but for some reason it was a road, I would never have considered. Finally after getting to the end of the diversion, I found that the deviation led onto the path that I had previously (on many occasions) refused to consider, and if I had known would have alighted on it, miles and miles ahead. As I continued into this new road, the road I never once considered, I found it was indeed the right path back to the original plan, but this revelation wasn’t immediate.

I have since spent some time wondering why I took a longer route in trying to get to the end goal, even though the path was never supposed to be a complicated one. Why it took so long for me to realize that the “weird” road that continued on from the detour was indeed the right road; the road that follows onto the main road, the highway that was originally laid out. I have since learned the many lessons and have come to the realization that the alternative route was just as important to the highway. I am now back on track, back to my original field of study, back to where I belong.

Is there anyone who knows that they are in someplace they ought not to be, find out what the Lord wants to teach you through it; because only He knows everything about us, and has ordained every single day of our lives. Only He knows what will happen second by second, minute by minute. Suffice to say He has already ordained your path, and the place you should be, he already knows – Psalm 139:16 - your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. So wherever you are, is not a mistake, the Lord has an important lesson that He wants you to learn from it all.

Not to become complacent and prefer the alternative to the original - like I almost did. The original is by far the best, but through the alternative, the lesson learned will be important for your survival in the original plan.

Even though I had somewhat lost my momentum during the break from the plan, the break was most needed if I was ever to get to the end. Thank God for bringing me back, thank God that even though I had hesitated on countless occasions to get back on track, He still made a way that was impossible for me to stay away. He still made me an offer I could never have refused.


Vera Ezimora said...


Vera Ezimora said...

You know what I always feel like? I always feel like I have failed myself. I have all these plans and dreams, yet I have not accomplished them. What am I waiting for???? I feel like I have abandoned my dreams, blaming my inadequacies on God. God didn't bring the opportunity to me. God didn't give me a chance to succeed. But I just recently discovered that I have not really tried. I have not tried and failed. But then again, failure to try is failure in itself. I have been so afraid to fail that I have decided to not try @ all.

Sucks, huh?

But no kwamps. I learnt a lot from that new swagger post of yours. I loved that verse in the bible (can't remember where now) about faith without action not being enough. I have therefore challenged God to prove Himself. But first, I will prove myself, and He must meet me halfway.

Okay, sorry 4 this long post. Dang!

The Life of a Stranger called me said...

@ Vera, the verse in question is James 2:17. Your post wasn't long at all, and Im so glad that my last post was useful; sometimes I do wonder if I had to go through what I went through.. And if God can do all this wonderful things, well why hasn't He done them yet in my life.. yet time and time again I am reminded that I am no longer a child, and need to work with God on those things that I know He's placed on my heart. Those desires that seems to erode my joy everytime I think about them..

But each day at a time, one day we will get to that finishing line, the line that marks how successful we've been on this race.
It is well dearie..