Recently I heard Him ask, Is His Love not enough? Is His glory that acts as a shroud over me not enough (John 17:22)? Is His death on the cross not enough (Mark 8:31; Philipians 2:8)?
As I stood there drenched in tears, just for one moment, I wondered if it really was. For that one moment I couldn’t help but wonder, after everything I have seen Him do in my life, that even I, could be counted among those whose love for God could be classed as conditional. That I would deny Him, just because I had chosen to walk by sight and not by faith. Because if my love was unconditional I wouldn’t have to throw tantrums or disbelief just because everything is not what it appears. Because if my love was unconditional, I would not have been so quick to look for an alternative instead of sticking with God, all the way.
Time and Time again He has asked, keeps asking, and is asking still, is His payment on the cross not enough?
Lord your payment was far too much for an unworthy, pitiful, not fit for any good like me, but thank you Lord for qualifying me (Romans 8:33), and counting me as one of yours, even though by all counts, it makes bad business sense to stick with me. Lord help me to be counted when it matters. Help me Lord to be among those whose love for you is unconditional, no matter what the cost.
i cannot honestly answer this question right now...
because i am afraid of what my answer may be
Wow! "it makes bad business sense to stick with me. Lord help me to be counted when it matters. Help me Lord to be among those whose love for you is unconditional, no matter what the cost"
God bless
Lord, help me to know each day that Your love for me is unconditional, and so my love for you should be unconditional too...not depending on my circumstances. Because nevertheless, I know that you ARE God.
Thanks LOASCM...this blessed me today!
I don't know what to say; you said it all, babe.
i am thinking the mystery of His love is its unconditionality
thanks for this
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