Monday, December 29, 2008

Poetic Mondays - Untitled

Am but a soul looking for the truth
In a world that could show no light
What first stirs a man's soul
The realities of death perhaps
When I was a youth
I took life for granted

the earth was playground for my free spirit

But youth grows up and with it the search for the meaning of life
But where to find it
Who could say

Nature was my guiding star
To tread the sun backed fields
And see what’s underneath my native knees

And when night fell
With its dreams I would wonder beyond the stars
Where was I to find the truth
Sure, I heard of God and his son Jesus
But I was not sure

But all the same there was something in my heart

Which said, keep looking keep looking
So the years, years went by
Old dreams went and new dreams came
Oh!!! God, my soul yearns for the truth

Was my cry, until one day
A knock on the door
I was about to say
When something came over me
Come in to my surprise

Oh!!!!!!! What a day, what a day
When the sun shone on my weary soul
A never to be forgotten moment
The day I will behold your face

..............................................................................ETN 05/12/08 - LIFE

I am curretly away on Birthday, Christmas and New year Holidays, but have scheduled posts for Poetic Mondays. Hope you enjoy them.Merry Christmas Everyone. See you in 2009 Godwilling.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Poetic Mondays - You and Me

Its my Birthday week, and I am so excited to have this posted. I am in love with poetry and with him more today than ever ( I am still away in Nigeria, hope these Poetic monday posts have warmed the heart, as much as they've warmed mine). Merry Christmas Everyone, see you in 2009 Godwilling.

You and Me

When the winds rushes over the sweeping plain
I think of your hair how long and beautiful they are
Tossed long and flowing

When I see your face smiling at the jokes I make
I see a flushed valley summer still
And a couple who wander in the heat of the day

Your eyes when they glitter and the fragment's ferment
Tell of a sea and sky and an island of sand
With the palms swaying gently, while the owls decry

You next to me
Tell of a tall young tree
In spring time a-growing and summer to come
And am alone here wishing the day you shall be called mine

..............................................................................ETN 28/11/08 - LIFE

Monday, December 15, 2008

Poetic Mondays - Angel of Love

Angel of Love

Couched I lie in your bosom deep
In scarlet walls of velvet
steep, soft, dew pearled, in the early morn

To quaff your nectar
To breathe your scent
You are outlined, most reverent
A scarlet rose in an English garden
You are indeed a beauteous thing
If long I couch
Please beg my pardon
For your beauty makes my sad heart sing
What would the artist give
To capture your tinted hues of scarlet rapture
You are my angel of love

..............................................................................ETN 05/12/08 - LIFE

I am curretly away on Birthday, Christmas and New year Holidays, but have scheduled posts for Poetic Mondays. Hope you enjoy them.Merry Christmas Everyone. See you in 2009 Godwilling.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Lord is INDEED GOD

It’s that time of the year already, and 9days to my birthday. This year without a shadow of a doubt has been the year, when I sought the Lord in all earnest. When I entered into this year, I was told it would be a year of rejoicing, a year the Lord will send rain to my “parched” life (1 Kings 18:1). To be rest assured, and to go eat and drink for indeed there was a sound of heavy rain coming (I Kings 18: 41). I went home rejoicing, and when the time came, I expected the breakthrough to come from the troubles that overwhelmed me at the time. I also expected a loud “hullabaloo”, loud noises to usher in the opening of the heavens. Well to be very honest I expected a great deal to have happened, but when the Lord did it, and the way He did it, I could never have imagined it would happen in such a way, and gently so (1 Kings 19:11-12).

For years now I have always dreaded celebrating my birthday (I enjoyed the cakes, the attention and the presents that came with it, but the number of candles on it appeared to be increasing); and even though I had much to be glad about, and have been blessed with so much during this young life of mine, there was that particular one that eluded me so; and even though this year have been wrought with troubles (which I am here to declare to you that will not come a second timeNahum 1:9), and bad choices, I thank God that after the wind that tore up the mountains, the earthquake and the fire, He was there, he came and is here to stay. My gentle giant.

And so as I end this Happy Friday Everyone series for this year, I would like to take this fine opportunity to thank God, for indeed He has been so so good to me. And would also ask you too to thank Him on my behalf, for He has been faithful and true, and has brought His promises to me this year to pass. Recently also, He reminded me again of things, dreams I had kept in the back burner, which I thought might have been a tad too silly. Dreams I’ve had for a while now, which at the time of their inception thought the Lord was speaking to me about. Fast forward four years later, He’s still telling me to go back to them. Because He is watching to see that every word He has promised to me, He’ll bring to pass (Jer. 1:12). So I ask you, what dreams have the Lord spoken to you and is still speaking to you about? Go back to them. Examine them again. It does not matter how long you’ve had them. Keep holding onto them.

Truly this 2008 has been a remarkable year for me, in terms of my relationship with God, my faith in Him, and my confidence and Hope that He is more than able to bring to pass everything He has said He will do. And rightly so this year like the Lord did for Elijah in 1 Kings 18:37-38, The Lord too have done for me. And not only did he answer with fire, He showed up too with an abundance of rain. Lord I thank you for WHO YOU are. And I thank you Lord for choosing to lavish your blessing on me. I guess favour really isn’t fair.

Have a wonderful Christmas Everyone, and I believe 2009 will be a superb year for all of us. As my gentle giant keeps reminding me, it will indeed be a year that we will excel. Only believe. Watch me Rise ya’ll. You had better join me too.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Poetic Mondays - I shall love you

I Shall Love You

I shall love you
Till poets no longer rhyme
Till church bells refuse to chime
Till my hands cannot hold the sands of time

And I shall love you
Till a memory no longer lingers
Till the world produces no singers
Till the sand of time slip through my fingers

And I shall love you
Till children never play in the street
Till babies never search for the teat
Till the sand of time fall to my feet

And I shall love you
Till there's no one left to save
Till the sea can make no wave
Till the sand of time fill up my grave.......

..............................................................................ETN 05/12/08 - LIFE

Friday, December 05, 2008

I Believe in God

As part of the concerted effort on the blogsphere carried out on the 1st of Dec., (An idea initiated by the loveliest Zoe Believer) I would like to do a Happy Friday everyone series on this. But I will have to confess I have not done this by myself. It’s a joint effort between me and him.

Last night I spoke to B and R about the Will of God. I was testifying to them how being in the Lord’s will is by far the most important. That in spite of where I am or where I think I ought to be, that where He has placed me and what He has offered me is by far the best. And that to be in His will and be at peace is what matters the most.

I believe in God, especially when I know that when I was not saved He was so busy at work to bring me under the saving grace of Jesus. He held out hope that one day, today that I will know Him and make my mind up to follow Him all the days of my life

I believe in God, because if not for Him, the troubles that overwhelmed me would have sent me to the depths of the grave, but for Him. For he is indeed my God that delivers me with His mighty hand

I believe in God, because in the midst of my sorrow, He granted me peace, in the midst of my confusion He gave me joy, in the midst of dishonour, He upheld me, in the midst of disgrace, He displayed me, and in the midst of my enemies, He enlarged my footsteps so that I would continue to stand head and shoulder above them

I believe in God, because I know for a fact under human reasoning I will not be where I am today; because He has already loved me, and not because of what I’ve done, but because He is love and that’s all that matters

I believe in God, for he promised me in the book of Gen. 4:6-7 that if I believe in him and follow His precepts, that my life will be bright with joy, but where I refuse, that I should watch out for sin is waiting to attack, longing to destroy, but these I know I can conquer only by believing in him

I believe in God, for in the book of Deut. 26:16-18, he commanded me to believe in him wholeheartedly, that I should - obey all of these commandments and ordinances that the Lord your God is given you today, having declared today that he is your God and have promised to obey and keep his laws and ordinances and to heed to all he tells me to do

I believe in God, for he said I should let everything that I do reflect my love of the truth and the fact that I am indeed honest about it, by believing in him he has assured me that His plans towards me is not what I should work out, neither are his thoughts the same as mine, for just as the heavens are higher than the earth , so are God's ways higher than mine and yours, this He confirmed in Isa. 55:8-9, and because He said it, I believe in him

I believe in God, because He speaks and His words comes to pass, for He is indeed faithful and true

I believe in God, for if I were given to the end of time, it would not be enough to declare his goodness to me. And if I were to write out my reasons for believing in Him, all the word document allowance will not be enough to write it all out. And due to the size of the document, it would be too large to be sent via the internet. So I’ll stop here.

So how about you? Who do you believe in? Think about it. Is your life displaying the life style worthy of whom you believe in?

Thursday, December 04, 2008

How Saved are You?

She led him by the hand, and he was out of breath, She led Granddad to safety, and then she suffered death, the ones that were responsible will think upon this deed, Warning have been given, but these they did not heed. The only excuse they can give, a bullet went astray, but the facts cannot be altered, they took her life away. As she lay upon the ground, little arms by her side, her Granddad stood and wept and wept, until the poor mite died. People clustered round, horror on their face, to take the life of one so young, a terrible disgrace, the men, and I mean men; the police of our country carried her lifeless body and passed down in between people young and others old who stood on either side of the never-ending road in which the ''kiddy'' died. Each man that carried her, his face was full of awe, for in his arms, limp and still, a child of only four, peaceful and content, in one way, or the other, the smile upon her waxen face, I’m sure was meant for mother, with her she'll be united one day at heavens door, They'll pause awhile, then enter to live for evermore.

All who used a gun, or took part in this affray, please stand, think, and study, through each passing day, then go along to church and when you are within repent to the lord, this is a story of what happened in Nigeria some days past, how the life of an innocent child was taken by a stray bullet due to crises in the area; I can tell u that the men involved in this act didn’t know God. If I may ask you, you reading this, who do you believe in? Do you know God, have you known him, and those of us that do, if an innocent child like that could be hit by stray bullet on trying to take his Granddad to safety, what about you? If God forbid, something was to happen to any of us, what story will you’re life’s events be?

Today I would like to take the opportunity to introduce the arts and literature event organised by Farafina Magazine”. If you would like to hurry down along, more information can be found on , I won’t be able to make it, but I trust it would be too much fun. I hope they continue to organise more events that I can attend. So see you tomorrow for Happy Friday Everyone.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Poetic Mondays - Thoughts of a New Week!!

Thoughts of a New Week

For this Monday I give you this
May each awakening Monday morning
Be blessed in thine adorn
As stars at night-
Shine forth their light-
In grace to greet the dawn of that weekend

May each day bring anew-
Thy word so constant true
Let voices sing-
To praise our king-
Who died for me and you

May each approaching noon-
Evolve from May till June
For in this trace
This human race-
Shall seek our saviour soon

May each attending night
Behind its depths, thy light
Glow-by our side
God –be our guide
Our hope, our Faith, our righteousness

..............................................................................ETN 28/11/08 - LIFE

Friday, November 28, 2008

Behold He comes

Today in the mountains of northern Italy – in Trentino in the Alto Adige area, an area and people neither classed as Italians or Germans, but a mixture of both culture and heritage – it has been snowing. And heavily I might add. It’s not like it to snow at this time of the year, because in this region there tends to be a time and season for most things. September - October, they harvest their apples and grapes, in readiness for the November rains, and January - February it snows. This region is an autonomous community and thus they grow and produce most of the things they eat or use. So even though the people here have welcomed this beautiful change, which has happened throughout this week, they are still somewhat perplexed.

Is there anyone out there that still remembers that there’s no God like Jehovah. He alone is greater than anything or anyone that you can ever imagine. Greater than your problems. Greater than that situation.

When my friend and colleague spoke to me this morning and said to me, Life of a stranger, this week is unlike what we know or have experience and I’ve lived here my whole life; I couldn’t help but to wonder, in the spiritual sense what does this mean? Throughout this year, most churches have spoken about this year being a year of new beginnings, a year for the fulfillment of God’s words and purposes in our lives. Many have experienced this change, and nations can attest to this, but individually is there some still wondering if it true? Still waiting for that change in their lives.

Some previous happy Friday everyone post I remember writing out what I felt the Lord was saying to me then - In these days he has shown his favour and taken away “your” disgrace among the people - Luke 1:25. He is watching to see that “His” word is fulfilled (Jer. 1:12), and "You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you." - Numbers 11:23. He continued on to say Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jer. 1:5). And even though at the time it came, I scoffed at it, and made light of it like Sarah did (when the visitors spoke to her husband about her conceiving this time next year – Gen. 18: 9-18); I did wonder what it all meant. You see, it came to me three months before the year was ending, and even though I knew my God is able, I figured, maybe He didn’t really mean it exactly as He said it. Maybe there may be other interpretations.

There may be less than 5weeks remaining till the end of the year, but it still doesn’t mean that God is still not able, to bring His words to pass in your individual lives. I did ask Him once, this year, You said and I heard and you told me that this is the year. At the time in pain and anguish, rose before dawn and took my petitions to Him (Psalm 119:147). He answered, and expressly did it too. He surprised me and surpassed all my expectations. He confirmed His words in my life. And In His season (and not the season designated by other), the heavens opened and showers of blessings started to pour down.

So you may ask, what does this mean, it means expect the unexpected. Hold on. Just because the year is almost over, does not mean He is not able to bring about what He has promised to you. For His words are eternal and stands firm forever (Psalm 119:89). And are indeed a lamp for our feet, and a light for our path (Psalm 119:105).

Monday, November 24, 2008

Poetic Mondays - Commitment


Screams compelled by stomach that twist
From flying sofas that spin and spiral and bounce and whirl
With candyfloss frothing dizzy expressions
To the strident music ascending excitement
lights tattooing the air
all focus
Increasing involvement
Oasis of fantasy
Eventually to STOP

Let me shArE this with you
I had a love of long ago
He was a soldier as you can see
he died that we could be free
I was too young to understand
What a man will do for his land
But older now I try to see
Just what this soldier did for me
He gave his life that we could go
Forward with no enemies so
Now I beg all stop and think
Before you kick up all that stink
About some silly chit or chat
That in the end matters not a drat

Now think about your self
Can you die for your friend?

Or any body in your family?
But Jesus died for you and I
In return what have you done for him?
He is neither greedy nor selfish
Just a little praise and thanks ..........
He ask from you and I
It cost nothing
Not expensive and easy to say
Yet we are too busy to do so
He who can take his own life
Can also take yours, even that job that makes you too busy
My dear
Just close your eyes for a second
And say
Lord Jesus thank you for dying for me
That I may live
May I never be too busy to find time and worship you
Teach me to live for you and you alone

......................................................................... ETN 17/11/08 - LIFE

Friday, November 21, 2008

Me, God and the other man

For those of us that know me, they know how much I love God and how important He is in my life. However, it appears every time He allows a “wonder” to come into my life, I always seem to forget about Him or never seem to go before Him to ask if the wonder is a blessing or a curse. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I always seem to get carried away with it all, until the day it all comes crashing down like a pack of cards. Problem is, that’s when I go back to God, only for Him to gently inform me of where I had gone wrong, and how important it is for me to “stay in His Will” and none other”.

I’d like to tell you a story, one of a man and a woman. The Lord had commanded for a certain woman to be blessed (He said “I have commanded” her to be blessed – 1 Kings 17:9- "Go at once to Zarephath of Sidon and stay there. I have commanded a widow in that place to supply you with food "). Problem there in lie that she didn’t know that her time to break up unploughed ground had come (Hosea 10:12). She had no idea that her time for breakthrough had come. She had no idea that a new day had dawned in her life of pain and misery (1 Kings 17:10-12 -So he went to Zarephath. When he came to the town gate, a widow was there gathering sticks….He called to her and asked "As surely as the LORD your God lives," she replied, "I don't have any bread—only a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it—and die."). When she received the visitor, even though she neither recognized where he was coming from, her single act of warmness unlocked the door of breakthrough. And even though by having him in her life, she neither lacked for food, she never fully realized the blessings of the Lord upon her life and her family, and it took a single life changing moment, when her only son died and was brought back to life did she really believe that the miracles was from God and that indeed the visitor was from God and spoke the TRUTH (1 Kings 17:24 -Then the woman said to Elijah, "Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the LORD from your mouth is the truth." ).

How many times have we taken for granted the love of Christ, His daily mercies of giving us life, good health, the countless ways He’s been protecting us and the provisions He has made available for us. Such that can be mirrored to the “jar of flour and the jug of oil”, that are new every day never to out. But then again because the Lord does this on a daily basis, they are no longer praise worthy miracle. Must we have to wait for that “MAIN prayer request” before we know that God is God. In the case of this woman it took for her only son to die before she recognized that God is God.

Going back to me, maybe If I had gone back to God to ask Him about the visitors that came bearing gifts (if they were real or false), then Just maybe, I didn’t have to experience the pain of knowing the TRUTH, the truth that they are not.

So I challenge you all, have you fallen into the trap that the Widow of Zarephath fell into, where the provision of food, shelter, a good place to worship, loved ones have just become a mundane and not real breakthroughs. Because I can tell you, that you did not do them yourself, God did them all for you. The Fact that you are alive this morning is a miracle itself, because there are countless others who are not here to glorify God. Let us give God that glory He deserves, because truly He has been so good to us. I don’t want to have to wait for some major ailment for me to know He is God; I Know He already is, because He has allowed me to live even for this second.

As for me, I am so excited of the wonderful promises that God has commanded to come to pass in my life, you see this is why He says ears have not heard or eyes seen (1 Corinthians 2:9), if the Lord had not sent Elijah to the Widow, would she have known that a commandment of blessing has been placed upon her life? Now check this, when Elijah met her, she was already throwing a pity party, of how she’s just gathering sticks to cook the handful of flour so that she and her son would eat and die, how many of us can relate to this? We have waited and waited, and have decided to give up, even though a word has already been spoken into our lives. Even though the Lord has already given a commandment for us to be blessed. Just because it has not manifested in the physical realm does not mean He has not given the command. And this was during the time when Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit had not been sent into the world, how much more now. If the Lord came through for all this wonderful ladies and gents of the Old Testament, how much more us who have the finished work of Christ pleading on our behalf.

Let’s continue to give God all the praise and glory that He deserves for He alone is indeed worthy of all our Praise and worship. There’s no God like Jehovah. Think about all the wonderful Countless Commandments and pronouncements God has made concerning your life. Wow, I for one am Truly truly excited.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Poetic Mondays - A friendship

A friendship

Where did it begin?
This stream so luminously clear?
Its waters so warm
That even I cannot escape
From its vapours
Which now envelops my every being
I wish I knew
And yet I know it’s good

How deep does it run?
This stream of contentment
I try to gaze through
The ripples of laughter
But yet my eyes are blind
They do not wish to see
For fear of seeing the truth
I wish I knew
And yet I know it’s good

Where does it lead to?
This stream so warm, so deep,
So luminously clear
Will it be shared again?
By hearts that once thrived
Upon its healthy
I wish I knew
And yet I know it’s good

..................................................................... ETN (14/11/08) - LIFE

Friday, November 14, 2008


Today for the first time I have no words to say, no wisdom to share, no messages to relay. This week I have had to listen, be told, be taught, and be informed to be transformed.

Today I have finally learnt that I am the weakest link in this partnership, that every time I say “I’m too tired, I can’t do this? I was not taught it at school, I am in the wrong place” I am reminded to look at my sister, who rose above her weakness and challenged herself to succeed. Who refused to be intimidated by her weakness, and boldly picked up the manual for her life and transformed her life.

She is no better than you are, but she held on believing that God who has given her this opportunity called life, has provided the wherewithal to succeed. So that when she sees Him, she would tell Him I might have been given one, but see what I’ve done with it (Matt. 25:14). No excuses, no self pity, no reliance on others, only the belief that because the Lord our God is with us (2 Chronicles 32:7b - Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged…; 2 Chronicles 20:20b - Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld), He is more than able to bring us to an expected end.

What will you tell God when you see HIM? Today for the first time I have no words to say, no wisdom to share, no messages to tell. Today I am listening.

News just in..

Life of a stranger will be featuring also weekly monday posts called poetic mondays (did I say every mondays - these will be posts written by none other than by my very good friend and, watch out for the first installment on monday.. Loves it..)

Friday, November 07, 2008

Do Boats go to Warri?

It was the end of the “convention” and the time we all went home, not too far now as the clocks ticked away. I was given a few options by the event organizers (one before the nightfall and another first thing day break), and as I contemplated the best, I was convinced that the former was the better and soon I will be home. But, as the time drew nearer, I realized I was unprepared. Convinced as I was, “sade’s man” (I called him so, as I never once thought to ask for a name) would help in such matters with the times and hours. Quickly, I darted out from my block (block D, room 1) in search of he, he who would be my greatest help. As I left, on my way there I met a few all set, and making their way to the set place in good time. I called out to them asking if they knew where I could find such a man, without hesitation they informed me I was on the wrong floor (on the 2nd floor standing in front of 202) in the wrong place and I ought to make my way to the third floor to 332. As I hastily made my way to 332, I met an already hurried man, indeed he confirmed what I already knew, that the boat was due to leave in 7minutes. However, he did mention that the final stop was “Warri”. “Warri” I said to him, are you sure this boat is going to Warri? (albeit this part had been conveniently concealed previously – but for what purpose?).

In spite of this new revelation, I was still determined to get on board; and even though I had no business in Warri, and it was never the intended stop, I would board all the same and thereafter make plans on how to get to my final destination.

As I tried to make a dash back from the block that housed 202 and 332, back to 1D I wondered if I was ever going to be able to make it back to the boat on time, this very boat that everyone appears to be boarding. And even though I had no business in Warri and knew that home was still a long way from the boat’s final stop, I did however question why it was so important for me to board this boat before nightfall, instead of sitting out the night till the day breaks for the non-stop morning ride home. And although a part of me tried to reason with me, the other was more persuasive and quick to point out just how I could be the only one left behind, and how important it was to join in and be part of it all. And though this journey was not suitable and would undoubtedly create difficulties later, I couldn’t help but wonder why I was driven to make the nightfall journey. After weighing my options, I threw caution to wind, proceeded back to 1D, hurriedly picked up my things, and speedily made my way to the port.

As I got closer, the boat had started to pull away, instantly I started to call out to the men on the harbor, please don’t leave me behind, please wait for me. My baggage a little heavier than I had expected, breathless, fatigued, unfit as I was, I continued, wait for me, don’t go, I have my tickets, but it appeared that my drowned out shout was falling on deaf ears. Still reluctant to give up, I gave a last push willing myself to get just that bit closer, maybe then they will see me and stop. But alas, they couldn’t hear or see me. And slowly they began to disappear from sight. As I sat on the pier, wondering how silly it was of me to have pressed on, I couldn’t help but to think, maybe just maybe being left on the waterfront might have been a blessing after all.

After resting a little while on the bay, I picked up the pieces of my broken self, and slowly started to head back to block 1D where I had the only option of waiting patiently for the morning boat, the non-stop express that would take me home. And even though the nightfall journey from a distance might have appeared closer to home, in reality it would have left me stranded, as I tried to console myself.

Lord I thank You for your WORD (Isaiah 40:8) and how You take the promises (Jeremiah 33:14) You made to us seriously. When You said the steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord (Psalm 37:23), You meant it in its entirety and because of that promise I know it is well with me (Isaiah 3:10).

No matter how hard I tried to board the wrong journey, to set foot on the wrong path, even though it appeared that I was missing out, since everyone was “missing in”; praise God that His very own perfect undeniable, unstoppable “WILL” was what He intended for me, and even though it came in the morning after a long eventful night, it did come, and I made it to my final destination. For what He had purposed for me He used His hands to bring to pass (Isaiah 14:24; 27). For what He planned Long ago in my day break he brought to pass (Isaiah 37:26). Thank you Lord for helping me to wait (Hab. 2:3), and though I tried to create my own visions, thank you Lord for taking away the punishment my disobedient incurred (Zephaniah 3:15) and reinstated your Vision by bringing me to my resting place(Zephaniah 3:20).

I try not to imagine what could have happened if I had made it onto the wrong path. But for God, I am here to thank Him for His love, His dedication, His goodness and faithfulness. For He dared me to Hope, even after all my hopes had died. He dared me to believe even when all was lost. He pushed me to hold on, even though the lines were blurry. He urged me to take a bold step, even when fear had crippled me. He chose me even after all had rejected me (Isaiah 41:9), He loved me even after one had hated me. He honoured me even after one had dishonoured me (Zephaniah 3:20; Isaiah 43:4); He crowned me with glory in place of the shame and disgrace lying in wait for me (Isaiah 50:7). He turned my mourning into gladness and joy in place of sorrow (Jeremiah 31:13; Isaiah 61:3). And though I stumbled on countless times, I did not fall, for He steadied me and made my ways firm (Psalm 37:23-24). And though thick darkness surrounded me, He guided me still through unfamiliar paths and turned the deep darkness into light (Isaiah 42:16). And because of the finished work of Christ on the cross, I can rejoice and have His peace upon me (Isaiah 53:3-5).

So today dear Lord I ask you to help me to be patient at all times, to be driven by YOU and not by the world. To correct me Lord with your unending Love and Justice (Jeremiah 10:23-24); because now I know that only You Lord directs the steps of a man. To know when to move and when to stop, and to humbly follow your lead and not be strong willed and be disobedient. Today Lord I thank you because you have shown to me that your promises supersede all and even though they tarry they will never prove false, for indeed each of them have and will indeed come to pass. Thank you Lord for exposing my ignorance, for indeed all boats that go to Warri, do not go to Nkwerre, Oron or Ekpoma (you can add your own place here).

Friday, October 31, 2008

How conditional is your Love?

Recently I heard Him ask, Is His Love not enough? Is His glory that acts as a shroud over me not enough (John 17:22)? Is His death on the cross not enough (Mark 8:31; Philipians 2:8)?

As I stood there drenched in tears, just for one moment, I wondered if it really was. For that one moment I couldn’t help but wonder, after everything I have seen Him do in my life, that even I, could be counted among those whose love for God could be classed as conditional. That I would deny Him, just because I had chosen to walk by sight and not by faith. Because if my love was unconditional I wouldn’t have to throw tantrums or disbelief just because everything is not what it appears. Because if my love was unconditional, I would not have been so quick to look for an alternative instead of sticking with God, all the way.

Time and Time again He has asked, keeps asking, and is asking still, is His payment on the cross not enough?

Lord your payment was far too much for an unworthy, pitiful, not fit for any good like me, but thank you Lord for qualifying me (Romans 8:33), and counting me as one of yours, even though by all counts, it makes bad business sense to stick with me. Lord help me to be counted when it matters. Help me Lord to be among those whose love for you is unconditional, no matter what the cost.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Which Hijacker?

I just came back from a workshop meeting solely dedicated to my subject of expertise, and the question I had tried to answer in my seminar and which I had posed to the audience was “how can changes in the concentration of a single protein in the nucleus be involved in the increase of cells (in cancer) and yet at the same time cause immediate cell death” – two characteristics pretty opposite in character.

As I tried to make sense of it all, I came to a realization that we as people created of God face this same dilemma in our day to day life. How can a single decision either lead to a relationship with God or cause one to wonder away from His saving grace.

Just as the protein receives a signal that hijacks its highway of decision to either cause cells to proliferate or cease to live depending on its signal input, we too are capable of receiving a signal that hijacks our highway of decision making fate that inevitable will cause us to act in such a way that the phenotype is a decision to follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and to life, or to abandon His teachings and Laws for the way of the world.

It’s funny how I’ve spent most my post doc years trying to decipher this specific question, to find out “what that decision making mechanism is”. As complex as it in the biological sense, it is not at all the case in our lives as that mechanism simply is our mindset and the signal what we feed to it. In Prov. 4:4 - His word reminds us to Lay Hold of God’s words with all your heart and not to forget God’s words or swerve from them (Prov.4:5). For His word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path (Psalm 119:105); and life to those that finds it and health to a man’s whole being (Prov.4:20-23). If His Word is the dominating signal that is transmitted to the decision mechanism, then a healthy life can only be the resulting factor.

The problem in lie that if we are not laying hold of God’s words, then the reverse can only be the prevailing factor. A highway unused by God and solely used for the transfer of worthless and hollow messages can only lead to a decision that leads one away from life everlasting surely.

Surely this can only result in a lifeless, thirsty, empty and dry existence. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that if one had to choose between Life and Death, I wouldn’t mind having to pay for the former, just so that I made it onto the VIP list. But unlike many things in this world, to get onto this VIP list is so free (Ephesians 5:1-7). For the Lord Jesus Christ already paid the price (Matthew 20:28; 1John 2:2), just so that we can be set free. And through this we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that He may help us to understand the things that have been freely given to us by God (1Corinth. 2:12).

Choose life, choose His word, and choose God. Let Him awaken, revive, fill and activate you. Let Him lead you to Life everlasting. Why don’t you allow God to hijack your decision making fate, and lead you to a Life filled with His wonders, favours and overwhelming love. Trust me, I know Him to be a great commander, the Lord of Host, the King of Glory, God Almighty; and He is more than able to bring you through to a restful end.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Walking with Limitations

Look around you he said, what do you see? Really, take your time in replying:

Today was no different to the others, I had woken up excited, looking forward to hearing that beautiful sound made by birds I think, not that I’ve seen one around here, but I suppose could be coming maybe from a nearby forest; what lovely sounds, like music to my ears. My! I would exclaim, what a place, such dry beautiful surrounding, as I tried to grasp the beauty of it all. I thought I heard the guard whisper, he’s always mumbling something or the other but today I think I heard him. Yes I heard Him clearly. Slightly rotating towards his direction, I asked him saying, did you say something? Did you try to talk to me? He smiled. Technically today was the first time I heard him speak, audibly and coherently that is. Look around you he said, what do you see? Really take your time in replying:

As if in a trance, could it be a vision, whatever this state of memory intervention could be called – I saw it all, I think.

My life couldn’t get any better than it is right now. I saw myself, just the way I had always wanted my life to be. Free to go where ever I please, ate a variety of meals (mind you, I’m quite fussy, so the variety was only limited to a few dishes). Wore the latest garments, come to think of it, trends were determined by what others around were wearing, so even though garment diversity may not have changed so much among the people around me, I still wore the latest. Different shades of grey I think, and because I was so comfortable where I was I was just simply satisfied. Then I saw him, yes him the guard, always following me, what I would do just to be rid of him; always causing me to experience a feeling totally unfamiliar to me. …….. reluctantly I said to him, you are always there, ever present around me. Are you supposed to guard me or something? Are you some sort of a body guard, watching my every move? Then a thought came to my mind, I’ve never once asked him, like really asked him what he was doing, steadfast, watching and at such a close distance. As I looked at him intently, I could see him smiling to himself. As if I was standing before a judge, I continued saying, I knew the times when I had to wake up and go to sleep, lights out and all, always knew the hot spots to go and show off my skills, this had subconsciously been planted into my mind, but for some reason or the other, I’ve been unable to place my finger on how it came about.

He smiled again, and said a second time, what is it you see before you? This time using your sight not just for seeing but for understanding (Hosea 4:14b). I see steel bars I exclaimed, a walled gate as high as my eyes can see. It follows in a circular motion, all around me. The people around me are just like me, Inmates. The garments are prison wears, and the food, only fit for beggars. The hotspots, places where I had previously thought I could show off what I’m made of, my breakthroughs and successes, my favours that comes from being loved by others, were merely random exercise breaks to stretch out my legs from constantly being restricted in a single place. You mean it has always been like this, you mean I’ve been living the life of a prisoner, a life filled with limitations, restriction; and here I was bolding stepping as one who had it all. Why didn’t you tell me all this, why have you allowed me to live a life of ignorance (Hosea 4:6), and for so long.

Lovingly He replied saying, because you had freely entered into this place, I had to wait until the time when you freely chose to leave. Look again he said: Your gates have always stood open (Isaiah 60:11), I had already gone ahead of you to break down and cut through the barricades (Isaiah 45:2-3) that is why your gates have never been shut. From the day you walked in to this place, I had already posted watchmen on the wall (Isaiah 62:6), that is why up until now you have come to no harm. I had believed today will come, a day when you will finally hear my voice, steadfastly waiting, unwavering, because I knew one day will be today. I was eagerly awaiting the day when you will know the truth, and be set free (John 8:32).

Come He said, I will show you (Jeremiah 33:3) all the wonderful things I have been storing up for you, you see all this years away has resulted in your inheritance, your property to be gathering dust. And because your lot has been made secure for you (Psalm 16:5), no one else could inherit your property.

As He stretched out His hands towards me, beaming with a smile, He asked me saying, Are you ready to leave now?

I don’t know about you fellow inmates, but I sure am ready to leave this horrible gates of bronze and rusty bars of iron, for the untold riches uniquely stored in hidden places for me, for He has always guarded me, and has refused to watch me continue to live this world wonder called limitation.

Lord I thank you for refusing to give up on me. And even though many times I had purposely ignored you, thank you Lord for not allowing my failings to come between me and YOUR love for me.

I love YOU my wonderful guard. You can guard me any time.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Are you an Analogue or a Digital Oscillator?

"An oscillator is a “device” that works on the principles of oscillation: a periodic fluctuation between two things based on changes in energy. Metal detectors are among the many devices that use oscillators, and the most accurate timepiece in the world, the atomic clock, keeps time according to the oscillation within atoms".

All oscillators operate according to the same basic principle - an oscillator (which invariably generates signals) always employs a sensitive amplifier whose output is fed back to the input in phase. Thus, the signal regenerates and sustains itself. The frequency at which an oscillator works is usually determined by a quartz crystal. When a direct current is applied to such a crystal, it vibrates at a frequency that depends on its thickness, and on the manner in which it is cut from the original mineral rock. And even though some oscillators have been known to employ combination of inductors, resistors, and/or capacitors to determine the frequency, the best is obtained in oscillators that use quartz crystals”. The output response can either be an analogue response - where the properties of the signal is manifested in the form of the amplitudes or the phases; or a digital response - when the stored physical property is able to be played back, and in so doing transforms the analogue stored property to a digital one.

Now, this is not a Science or Nature paper but in a way applies to our lives as men and women created of God. The way we respond as oscillators transmits a series of events which can either be an analogue response or a digital one. As human oscillators we fluctuate between completely different phases in our lives especially when it comes to our mindset - where we oscillate back and forth from one state to another. And because as oscillators we need amplifiers to amplify our response to the “external signal”, depending on what our response is, that output tends generally to be increased. Therefore, if our response is positive, then a positive signal is amplified and is fed back to our mind, creating a positive feedback loop. However if a negative response is activated, a negative feedback loop is created, which invariably modulates our perception, and thus leaves one feeling either like a conqueror or defeated.

We can’t always respond positively to a situation, and even though as oscillators we may contribute to the amplification of the response to the problem (i.e. the external signal), the frequency of our amplified response is still dependent on a rock, the quality and tensile strength of the rock within, which acts as a checkpoint control – (Tensile strength is defined as the stress at which a material breaks or permanently deforms. Tensile strength is an intensive property and, consequently, does not depend on the size of the test specimen. However, it is dependent on the preparation of the specimen and the temperature of the test environment and material).

Therefore the thicker and stronger the rock, the stronger the response with which we respond to the situation. And so if our rock is the Rock of Ages (our GREAT and awesome God), who turns every “external signal” input for our good, then the amplified response can only be positively reinforced amplitudes. However, if your rock was to be substituted, the generated output frequency displays a damped oscillation, because the checkpoint control is of a poor quality.

So I ask you this question, what stuff are you made of? What rock are you standing on? Is your REINFORCER, your check point control the Rock of Ages, our Strong and Mighty God, that cannot break, that is a consuming fire, and reigns from Ages to ages. Whom In Gen. 49:24, is known as the Rock of Israel; in Deut. 34:4, is known as simply the ROCK; in Deut. 32:15, is known as the Rock our Saviour. Of whom the people of Israel boasted of in Deut. 32:31, saying there was no rock like their Rock, for the Lord God is indeed a Rock that can never be moved.

So even though in the past my behaviour could be interpreted as an oscillatory dynamics with respect to the yo-yoing effect of my attitude when it comes to how I respond to any situation I encounter in life, whether it be biphasic, or increased amplitude with regards to the amplified negative feedback loop, I have asked the Lord to forgive me. And to teach me how to become a “digital Christian” so that every knowledge of Him that is already stored up in me that will increase my understanding of Him be transformed; Not to just remain as an analogue Christian where the confused state seem to be the observed behaviour, but rather to have the transformation and renewing of my mind that terms a digital Christian.

I may oscillate, in response to a signal transmitted by a difficulty, but because I have the Rock of Ages as my rock that can never be moved, my sensor that is quick to amplify my response signal will only pass through the check point that is my God, so that the observed physical analogue response can be converted to a digital response that has an increased positive frequency to keep my mind firmly as that of a conqueror.

What story will your signal response tell?

Monday, October 06, 2008

One Thing I ask

I wondered,
Started to ponder
I digress
Did YOU make any promises to me

I know the Promises of Abraham's decendants are mine
Through the reason of the new convenant
Through the blood of Jesus
So I figured
Since God's spirit testifies with mine
That I'm His child
Then all His promises in the bible are mine

But I figured
Surely not all of them
Surely some are blessed more than others
Surely some are destined for greatness
And others
well, go figure
But I'm reminded today

Whose report will I believe
Will I follow the multitude and conclude I am less
That good things only happen to others
That good things are what you hear for others
That the Lord has brought you into this world
To complain and know pain
Or will you be among the few
The Joshua's and Caleb

You are a child of destiny Im told
A light to the world
And the salt of the earth
You have been purposely
And Uniquely placed
And the Lord has always been with you
You must be made uncomfortable
That is why your testimony
And landmarks of progress cannnot be equivalent to others

You will see what your Life will be used for
And eyes have yet to see what I have instore for you
The enemy may be battling against your destiny
But its a battle destined for failure
Because I already know the end from the begining
I will not appologise for the struggles
Because you can only learn from sink swim situation

Though you didn't listen when I spoke to you
Have wondered constantly in Disobedience
Had no interest in the things that pleases me
Even then I refused to love you any less
And now still
The promises are there for you for the taking
But you must want it enough
Not to give up at every chance of struggle

You are already Victorious

But know this
Be aware
Be on alert
Always be on your guard
Lest the enemy might come and steal your joy
And convince you it is I who have refused to bless you

Friday, October 03, 2008

The Track of no Return.......

This week work wise has been quite challenging as well as demanding and for the first time in years I can safely say I have been very busy, and most definitely back on track, the track that can only lead me all the way to a successful finish.

Some years back, after the end of my studies, a plan was drafted, the directions that would lead into my future was visible, and all the roads that led to it was clearly mapped out, with all the refresher points all clearly highlighted. Not too long after submitting my thesis, I was given an alternative route, a road completely unknown to me, a route that had nothing to do with what I had spent the last three years studying, a challenge, my highest achievement and at the time was a boast to my ego. No sooner had I embarked on the journey did I realize that the road had deviated exceeding from the original plan, at which point it had become impossible for me to see what was now ahead of me, a future which had all but erased, where I was headed unknown.

After a while in the unknown, I had started to feel the way Peter felt during Jesus’ transfiguration – Matt. 17:4 - Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah." - and started to believe the deviation was a good idea, and it was best I started making plans for settling. As if to say it was pointless trying to find my way back to the original plan, I might as well start getting used to the idea that there were indeed no roads that could ever lead me back.

Many times I couldn’t help but wonder how it is that such a Blessing could lead me away from my well drafted plans. I found that with each passing moment, that the motivation to keep going was ebbing away, and I was slowing giving up on my dreams. Interestingly enough, looking back now, even from the onset of the journey the road that would lead me back to the dream, was always available to me, but for some reason it was a road, I would never have considered. Finally after getting to the end of the diversion, I found that the deviation led onto the path that I had previously (on many occasions) refused to consider, and if I had known would have alighted on it, miles and miles ahead. As I continued into this new road, the road I never once considered, I found it was indeed the right path back to the original plan, but this revelation wasn’t immediate.

I have since spent some time wondering why I took a longer route in trying to get to the end goal, even though the path was never supposed to be a complicated one. Why it took so long for me to realize that the “weird” road that continued on from the detour was indeed the right road; the road that follows onto the main road, the highway that was originally laid out. I have since learned the many lessons and have come to the realization that the alternative route was just as important to the highway. I am now back on track, back to my original field of study, back to where I belong.

Is there anyone who knows that they are in someplace they ought not to be, find out what the Lord wants to teach you through it; because only He knows everything about us, and has ordained every single day of our lives. Only He knows what will happen second by second, minute by minute. Suffice to say He has already ordained your path, and the place you should be, he already knows – Psalm 139:16 - your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. So wherever you are, is not a mistake, the Lord has an important lesson that He wants you to learn from it all.

Not to become complacent and prefer the alternative to the original - like I almost did. The original is by far the best, but through the alternative, the lesson learned will be important for your survival in the original plan.

Even though I had somewhat lost my momentum during the break from the plan, the break was most needed if I was ever to get to the end. Thank God for bringing me back, thank God that even though I had hesitated on countless occasions to get back on track, He still made a way that was impossible for me to stay away. He still made me an offer I could never have refused.

Friday, September 26, 2008

My New Swagger, what a walk!!……..

Going to bed at night have always been the best time of the day for me even though sometimes the hour varies depending on what I choose to do with my evening (surf the net, maybe listen to my iPod, have some fruits then brush my teeth) boring I know but for a while now, I have lived like this, as if to say I was waiting for something to happen. Life on hold while I wait. I’ve always felt that my life was missing something, was never quite sure what it was, except that I was living in moments of transition, that tomorrow would be a better day, maybe then I can start living. Even though I had already asked the Lord Jesus to be my Lord and Saviour for some time now, living like this was still the norm, a life that could be termed half-fulfilled.

I hadn’t realised that what was missing in my life was the fact that I wasn’t exercising the Power I had received through Christ Jesus. - Romans 8:16The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children - Luke 24: 49 - I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high. And it is this power which is THE KEY that unlocks every inactive area of my life; which enables me to move forward into the other part of the promise. Because of this power that is now resident in me, I am entitled to a life filled with victory, dominion over every situation and circumstance I encounter and have the right to speak things that are not into existence, and life into every dormant area of my life. That I am a powerful individual.

I had forgotten that since the creator of the world is my Father, of whom all authority in heaven and on earth belongs to, that I had the power never again to suffer any form of defeat. I had albeit mechanically memorised some key verses – 1John 4:4 - You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the worldPhilippians 4:13 - I can do everything through him who gives me strength - but never fully understood it in its entirety. And because I was too busy asking God to give me, give me, give me, I had forgotten to ask for His wisdom, to help me understand what was going on in and around my life.

So what gives you may ask? What happened? Well one day I had had enough of looking forward to my bed, and wanted to know how it felt to have the morning become the best part of my day. I like Jacob decided to wrestle with God until He changed my walk (Gen.32:26), believed James 5:16 – until I was able to cross over to the other side of my promise. And with it I received a new name; through it I received a new walk.

Then I asked the Lord, all these years in waiting, why did it take so long for the promise to be fulfilled, He replied, you did not receive because you did not ask (James 4:2). Then I said Lord, I did ask, but He replied saying, you asked with the wrong motive (James 4:3); and was not willing to pray. I needed you to come to the point that Hannah (1 Sam. 1:10-11) and Jacob did. You were comfortable waiting and I thought what better way than to wait with you. And I thought, You Lord was waiting for me, BUT I was waiting for YOU; at which He replied, I have made everything for your disposal, but I needed you to come into agreement with me, for it to be fulfilled. Can two walk together unless they are in agreement (Amos 3:3). If you had taken action before now, you could have crossed over a long time ago. But you are never late with ME. I thought to myself, what wasted opportunities, but in gratitude thanked God. As I walked away mumbling, the Lord was waiting with me, and for me to act, and here I was waiting for Him, I could have been waiting forever for nothing, at which the Lord replied, faith by itself if not accompanied by action is dead (James 2:17) but because you are precious and honoured in my sight, and because I love you (Isaiah 43:4), I would have allowed a storm to come to cause you to take action. You could never have waited for nothing with ME. So you see why everything (whether positive or negative) works out for your good. At this I stopped my mumbling and walked away beaming and deliriously happy.

The Lord is waiting on you to speak to Him like you’ve never done before and has given you the power to exercise your right; He says He’s coming and with Him your reward (Isaiah 62:11). Why don’t you “wake up” and receive it. Why don’t you open your mouth and speak command and decree and see if He is not able to honour His words and come through for you. Don’t be like those who suffer for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). Remember John 10:10 - The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. And - Isaiah 3:10 - Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.

People may ask me, of whom do I base my confidence in, why do I walk with a swagger, what does all this mean, I tell them, it is because of the Lord Jesus, indeed He is the Son of the living God. I have tried Him and KNOW that the Lord is good. What will your decision be today? The Choice is up to you.