Saturday, March 03, 2007

Day 6 - My Life is an assignment

My Life is an assignment

My Life on earth is a temporary assignment – Job 8 vs. 9 – For we were born only yesterday and know nothing; and our days on earth are but a shadow. I am told that for me to make the best use of my life here on earth I must never forget compared to eternity that life here on earth is extremely brief. And is only a temporary residence. Therefore, I need to ask God to help me see life the way He sees it. Psalm 39 vs. 4 – show me O Lord my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. To show me that I’m only a foreigner; a stranger and my time here is only brief. Psalm 119 vs. 19 – I am a stranger on earth, do not hide your commands from me. Peter also spoke about it in 1 Peter 1 vs. 17 – since you call on the father who judges each man’s work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. Conditioning me to think differently to the way many do is a necessity. Philippians 3 vs. 20 – that our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly awaits a saviour from there, our Lord Jesus Christ.

In order to make sure my assignment here meets with a positive result, my priorities must be in check, for we are called Christ Ambassadors, as though God were making His appeals through us 2 Corinth. 5 vs. 20. Therefore we need to make a choice whose friend we want to become, as anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes and enemy of God James 4vs. 4. This is because this world is not our home - 1 Peter 2 vs. 11 – Dear Friends, I urge you as aliens, and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires which war against our soul ; and is a temporary set up - 1 Corinth. 7 vs. 31 – For this world in its present form is passing away.

Therefore bearing in mind that my life here on earth is a test, a truth, and a temporary assignment I have therefore decided to fix my eyes on Jesus; 2 Corinth. 4 vs. 18 – so we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. I am then reminded that’s as followers of Jesus, I will experience difficulty, sorrow [John 16 vs. 33, 20] and rejection [John 15 vs. 18, 19] whilst I am in the world, and so explains why I feel some of God’s promises have yet to be fulfilled, or some prayers have yet to be answered. This am told is not the end of my story. Consequently, to preclude me from being attached to this world, discontents and dissatisfactions are allowed to come my way by God, so that my longings is never satisfied even till the end. And it would be a fatal mistake to assume that God’s ultimate goal for my life is material success in this world – And for this reason never to focus on temporary success.

Lessons Learnt on Day 6

My life here on earth is not the complete story of my life. That it takes Faith to live on earth as a foreigner. Hence whenever I’m overwhelmed with doubt for living for Christ, I must remember that I’m not yet home. That this world is not my home, and therefore must live as someone who is but a stranger on a temporary assignment.


Naijadude said...

Omg! where have I been? I was going to do the SAME thing, I am on page 11 now, trying to summarize....ooh...good job

The Life of a Stranger called me said...

Yeah I was suspecting you were doing something similar for this lent season. wow - I will be checking in you to make sure you are keeping up with your reading. Have a blessed weekend.

Jennifer A. said...

"Stranger on a temporary assignment"

I'm loving that phrase, makes me feel like God's CIA...infact my badge is on my chest. I loved the lessons of day 6 (I've read the Purpose driven life before, but this is a good way to refresh all the wonderful things I learnt...

(thanks LIFE)

The Life of a Stranger called me said...

@ Jaycee - love the way you make things stand out and tell a story from it. Jaycee Im tapping onto that annoiting of yours.