Monday, March 12, 2007

Day 15 – I was formed for God’s family

I was formed for God’s family

So what have I learnt on Day 15 of this series? Well it was more of a confirmation that I was formed for God’s family. That the creator of the World wanted a family and He chose to create little old me to be part of it. The knowledge that this is God’s purpose for my life, and was planned before I was conceived fillls me with contentment - Ephesians 1 vs. 5. Even though God didn’t need a family, He simply desired it, all so that He could share all He has with me - as this give Him great pleasure – James 1 vs. 18He chose to give us birth through words of truth that we might be a kind of first fruits of all he created.

And all I need to do is simply place my faith in Christ and immediately God becomes my father, and I become His child. Even though everyone is created by God, not all are children of God, as the only way to get into God’s family is by being born again into it – 1 Pet. 1 vs. 3; Rom. 8 vs. 15. Yes the invitation is universal, but the condition is to have faith in Jesus Christ – Galatians 3 vs. 26. And trust the Lord, because there is a lot of privileges and benefits that involves being part of God’s family.

As everything belongs to God, being in Christ means I get to inherit it all.

Since, I’m in Christ, and created for eternity,

  • I get to be with God for ever – 1 Thess. 5 vs. 10; 4 vs. 17.
  • Be completely changed to be like Christ – 1 John 3 vs. 2; 2 Corinth. 3 vs. 18.
  • Be freed from all pain, death and suffering – Rev. 21 vs. 4.
  • Be rewarded and reassigned positions of service – Mark 9 vs. 41; Mark 10 vs. 30; 1 Corinth. 3 vs. 8; Heb. 10 vs. 35; Matt. 25 vs. 21 – 23.
  • Share in Christ glory – Rom. 8 vs. 17; Col. 3 vs.4; 2 Thess. 2 vs.14; 2 Tim. 2 vs. 12; 1 Pet. 5 vs. 1.
  • And His assurance that my inheritance is priceless, pure, permanent and protected. No matter what I face, no one can take it from me and something for me to look forward to.

But to be recognised as part of a family public identification of myself is necessary – this includes baptism, which is a participation in the fellowship of God’s family – 1 Corinth. 12 vs. 13.

To summarise – to be included in God’s family is the highest honour and the greatest privilege I will ever receive, as nothing comes close. And whenever I feel unimportant, unloved or insecure, to remember my family in Christ and recognise them.


Vera Ezimora said...


Nne, isn't it a great privilege to be in God's family?? Thank God for big mercies o!

Anonymous said...

oh wow... this is beautiful

Cherub (former Bijouxoxo) said...

U really have to forgive me for not posting a comment regularly since this series started. Am i forgiven?

Right on point when u said, "Even though everyone is created by God, not all are children of God." Everyone has been invited to be a part of God's wonderful family, but some have a reprobate mind and wouldn't even accept the invitation talk less of attending the party.

Being a part of God's family, comes with all this good stuff, but also we get to share a part in the sufferings of Christ, for which we should count it as joy just like the apostles Paul, Stephen and others. Have a blessed week.

Anonymous said...

U really have to forgive me for not posting a comment regularly since this series started. Am i forgiven?

Right on point when u said, "Even though everyone is created by God, not all are children of God." Everyone has been invited to be a part of God's wonderful family, but some have a reprobate mind and wouldn't even accept the invitation talk less of attending the party.

Being a part of God's family, comes with all this good stuff, but also we get to share a part in the sufferings of Christ, for which we should count it as joy just like the apostles Paul, Stephen and others. Have a blessed week.

Nice comment Cherub. It's funny because there was a point at which I thought I could enjoy the benefits of being in relationship with God but not partake of the suffering and any suffering would elicit mumuring and complaining and grumbling. Now I am learning what it means to partake of the suffering of Christ and it is not easy, but the fact through it all there is always a greater purpose and always some kind of elevation be it spritual, or in wisdom, or knowledge or even to hear the word weldone good and faithful servant spurs me on.


The Life of a Stranger called me said...

@vera - it really is some priviledge cause It just blows your mind - to know that even though all are invited, very few are actually chosen and to be part of the elite is something.

@ONB - aww thanks. So hows you?

@Cherub - I can never be vexed with you. How can that be possible? You are Forgive with a capital F. And the suffering part is to show us that this world really is not our home, especially when we try and get comfortable.

@BareSoul - that word "weldone good and faithful servant spurs me on" is really what should push us, knowing that we please God in what we do really gives me great encouragement.