Papers, papers everywhere!! I see them on my table tops, my guest chairs, my opened drawers, my flung open cabinets, my desk cupboard, my inbox trays, my laptop holder. I see them all over my living room floor, my bedroom table, my reading table. O if only I could have some space on my bed to lay my head. All I ask for is only a tiny bit of space devoid of this mess, just to lay my exhausted mind and body. You product of wood, how have you now over run my space, my personal space?
Wasn’t it too long ago when you wished you had more to do, studies to occupy your mind, a challenge worthy of you? Something, anything to make this passing fancy of life worth living? Wasn’t that your petition, your request, your desire, your wish, your devotion, all you ever thought of? How be it then you’ve forgotten so quickly?
Did you forget the scriptures? Did you forget where God called you “gods” children of the Most High God (Psalm 82:6)? Where He reminded you that you have the power to call things that be not as though they were? That you had the power of life? That as children of God we have the Holy Spirit who as an agent of Christ (John 16:13), guides us into all truth; who constructs and interpret our prayers (Romans 8:26) in such a way that Jesus as our mediator in heaven is able to present them with His own blood to the Father (Leviticus 04:6-7) [well technically we are praying directly to the Father, the Holy Spirit helps us construct the prayers so that it lies within the remit of His will, and in the name of Jesus because of His finished work on the cross]. That whatever you ask in His name He will give to you (John 14:13).
So you see, it may have appeared that it is the Will of God for me to be Head and not the tail, and to remain above only. It may seem that it was after all the Will of God, for me to have a purpose filled challenge for my grey cells; which has now resulted in the overkill with the papers. O how quickly I have forgotten. Is it not the Lord that has done this and it is indeed marvelous in His sight.
Sugar quit being an ingrate, and just get on with it!!
Thank God i complain less about work.*grin*
We really do forget quickly when we need stuff but complain when we have little challenges concerning those stuffs.May God forgive us,we're buth children!
Thanks for stopping by 9-ja great!!
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