Then they spit in his face and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him and said, "Prophesy to us, Christ. Who hit you?" – Matthew 26:67-68
He allowed himself to be handcuffed, be arrested, be hurled insults at, be spat on the face, be stripped naked, be put to shame in public and be beaten to the point of death. As if that wasn’t enough, they took him and hanged him up on a cross – for YOU and me.
After all this, YOU still have the audacity to grumble; you still have the effrontery to complain about your life’s turn of events; you still have the energy to engage yourself in fruitless worries; you you you YOU still have the nerve to say why me!!
I’m going to leave that with you for a moment.
It wasn’t as if He didn’t warn us about these coming trials. It wasn’t as if He didn’t warn us of all the troubles we will face here on this earth simply because we do not belong here (John 15:19). Simply because He chose us out of this world (John 17:6; 17:14; Matt. 12:18). Simply because He gave us His words and made us gods (Psalm 82:6; John 10:35). Simply because He made us clean through His word (John 15:3). And because of HIS words, things will never remain the same for us (John 17:18). And since no servant can ever be greater than His master, what He went through, so too we will go through it (John 15:20-23).
I am utterly amazed how quickly we’ve forgotten these in times of trials.
He told us many things about all that we will face, so that we will not abandon our trust and faith in him, on account of the troubles (John 16:1). Have you forgotten how He overcame the world? Did you forget about the truthfulness of the Words he gave to you and I, written all over in the scriptures. If we spent time researching His words, we will come to realize that Jesus is that Word, written about in the scriptures; who in the beginning was with God and came into the world to dwell among us for a time [John 1:1, 14]. You will find that He is indeed the true light that came into the world to guide us through the darkness of the world [Matt. 4:16; Luke 2:32; John 1:14; Matt. 5:14: John 1:9; John 8:12; John 9:5; John 12:46]. Our good shepherd to guide us when we find ourselves at the cross roads of life and can’t seem to make up our mind which way to turn; for indeed He will never ever lead us astray [John 10:11, 14]. Have you found yourselves in a midst of confusion, He is that prince of peace that you will ever need [John 14:27; John 16:33]. He has been that rock that is higher than you and I. Our eternal rock of refuge, a firm place to hold onto and stand on in times of trouble [Psalm 31:2; 40:2; 61:2]. I know there have been times when I’ve felt empty and thirsty, and I have indeed found Him to be that living water that causes me never to thirst again, because He has become a well inside of me, and I know I will never be empty again [Jeremiah 17:13; John 4:10, 13-14; John 7:38; Revelations 7:17]. He has never let me down [Proverbs 18:24]. He loved us so much that He chose to die for us [John 10:11, 15, 17-18; John 15:13; 1 John 3:16]. There were many opportunities for Him not to go through it all, I mean He is God, but for our sake, He came into this wretched world, for our cause [John 18:37], to be our sacrifice, to restore back our dignity. To restore back our rightful place. Surely after this you will come to realize how precious and wonderful you are in the sight of God. Don’t you realize you are God’s collector’s item? Don’t you realize His love for you? Many times the Lord Jesus reminded us that He came to this world to reveal the Love of the Father to us [John 3:16; John 16:17; John 17:25-26]. Enough for the Father to give up Him (Jesus) that meant all to Him, His companion and Son for the likes of you and me. And still you have the temerity to doubt all that Jesus stands for in your life. The victories He has won in the battle for your life.
Well anyways, just incase Ya’ll have forgotten, you just have to make do with my bubbling :).
I’m sure you can now realize why I am so confident in my Father. Why my walk had to move on to another dimension in terms of swagger. Why I walk with my shoulders straight and my head held up high. Why my walk can never be showcased or seen at any fashion show because it’s in a totally different dimension :). Why I love Him with reckless abandonment. Why I am so crazy in love with Him. He has been so so good to me. Every word he has declared to me He has brought to pass. Just like it did in the days of King Saul, when all the words of the Lord spoken through the prophet Samuel into life of King Saul came to pass in one day [1 Samuel 10: 9], the Lord has done the same for me. All it took was one day. He simply blows my bind. He has done exceedingly, abundantly all I could ever, ever, ever, ever, think of, imagine, comprehend. He has done the impossible, and has put a smile on my face forever.
He’s no respecter of person, He truly rocks my world. And in this time, His time, He has smiled on me J. He truly is and has the Words of life in Him. Don’t you dare give up on Him just yet! He truly is an awesome God, and He is able to do that which He has promised you. Watch and see.. I see the clouds already forming in your horizon!!!
The count down has begun :)
He warned us o...He warned us.
You have left me more excited about God than I have been in a while!
He rocks my world too! this is very timely. God bless
Wow, I accidently came across your blog while hitting "next" on the top bar. I was truly touched by this because I have complete faith in God, and yet, ---YES I do sometimes have the audacity to doubt, I guess I'm human, but this put this in a lot of perspective for me. I do complain about this and that, when I know things can be so much worse off. I am grateful that I came across your blog. He's truly working through you. :)
i just read this
and had to email it to myself so i can read it again sometime next week when i am tempted to complain
and i had to send it to like 5 friends cuz it just blew my mind
thanks soo much
i wishi had read this weeks ago when i was crying myself to sleep
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