Friday, July 17, 2009

Wonderful is your Name!!

All of my Life, I have never Known God to fail. That is indeed a FACT and the TRUTH. From the time I was very young and up until now, I have never known God to fail. I am here, alive, healthy and well aren’t I? The Joy of the Lord that supersedes all things is with me. And my cup continues to run over. He is faithful and more than anything His love is so unconditional. Wow, this awesome God how else can I describe you but to say How wonderful is your Name!!

Sometimes it is good to just praise and glorify Him irrespective of what He has done or not yet done for you. Because the knowledge that He is, is enough to deserve all our praise and thanksgiving. Sometimes it is good to tell God, how magnificent and good He is. His ability to be magnificent is not dependent on the number of prayers He has answered, but simply because He is.

I am in the office and just feel like breaking out into a dance. DEAR GOD!! You are indeed the Living God. How excellent is Your Name. DEAR God!! You are JUST too much. Words leave me but I have to tell you this Lord. I really enjoy just being with you and just writing Love letters to you. Because truly Lord I love you (please try and forget those times I shout at you lol - I don’t mean it sometimes, just that.. well Lord You understand lol). I have fallen short of my walk, and messed up Lord on countless times, yet Lord You have continued to be so wonderfully faithful to me.

Thank you Lord for ALL you’ve done for me… You are indeed the Lover of my soul. You are indeed beautiful beyond descriptions; you are the only one I adore. The world will disappoint me, But You God, You are closer than a brother. You dig and stay put. God You just don’t joke with me… wow Lord, who am I that You love me like “shegge”!! What shall I ever render unto You my wonderful Lord? You own the whole world, including all the cattle on a thousand Hills. But Lord since you Love Obedience over sacrifice, I choose to declare to the whole world today, that I choose to obey the word of the Lord in all facets of my life.

Dearest Lord, always nudge me when I go astray so that I don’t wonder too far away from Your wonderful embrace. Your Grace is more than enough for me. Thank you Lord for being all that to me.


chayomao said...

i needed that reminder!
i have been taking a lot for granted of late....
He is worthy of our praises...

Vera Ezimora said...


LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Favoured Girl said...

So true, so true! God never fails, He is always faithful! Thanks for this post :)

temmy tayo said...

I am a living witness to the wonderful love of God. Thank you my honey for reminding me again.

Unknown said...

Our God is an awesome God

David C Brown said...

You bring to my mind "Jehovah is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer: my God, my rock, in whom I will trust; my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower." Psalm 18 verse 2.

Barefeet said...

very inspirational nice one! keep them coming