NOTHING in life is that important to miss HEAVEN. And No one is that important to cause you to miss heaven, not even your friends - But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God– Acts 20:24.
Our natural eyes may remind us of the situation/s surrounding our life, that nothing is ever going to work out, or that it is as bad as it gets. But you need to get to a point in your life to say the words “and so, what difference does it really make”. Because any form of disappointment in your life cannot last for that long, because as long as the Lord lives your Joy will come, that is for certain (Psalm 30:5b). And no matter what, ALL things work together for your good to them (us) who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). I am not saying that the disappointments are from God, no, I am saying the disappointments helps you realise what you are made of. If you are made of strong metal, the storm cannot break you. Instead it makes you stronger. And if you are made of straw.. well lets pray that none of us is made of straw.
And the Lord honours His words more than His name. Remind Him of His words, because He cannot lie (Numbers 23:19). Do not forget His words. Regardless of what you are facing He says, His presence is with you and He will give you rest (Exodus 33:13-14). Your light will break forth like a dawn, wow I am so excited [have you noticed the way the dawn breaks? Think about it, then you J - Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard – Isaiah 58:8]
I don’t know about you, but I for one I have been redeemed by the Lord and the shout of Kings is with me (Psalm 107:2). Remember the eye of the Lord is upon they that fear Him (Psalm 33:18), and He will visit you, and when He comes He will make His goodness pass in front of you to see (Exodus 33:19 - Then He said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion”). None of these things moved me. Disappointments will not move me. We refuse to bow and let life’s problems derail us. Our look of helplessness will no longer betray our worth, because we know who we are. And because we bear the mark of the Lord, we will not be moved.
Our spiritual eyes has to look through the lens of faith and continue to remind our hearts that no matter how bad it seems, God is still able to do abundantly more than we can ever ask. However, our journey, on the road to heaven requires a great deal of cooperation from us. And only those who have made up their mind to follow Jesus regardless will make it to the finishing line. It is not going to be easy but believe me it is going to be worth it.
Dear Lord If I have found favour in your sight, go with me, forgive me my sins and take me as an inheritance. For I am even more resolved to follow His lead. Yes Dear Lord, lead the way, and I will follow.
i need to come and get this and post it on my fridge
maybe blow it up
I love the way you always run back into God's arms...if anyone hasn't told you this before, you totally inspire me. Thank you soooo much.
You are God's gift. Love you alwaysfor the inspiration.
I'm a faithful lurker and I just wanted to thank you for allowing yourself to be used as a vessel to minister unto others specifically me.
I've been go through some emotional challenges and I've done a good job with encouraging myself but on some days like became so overwhelming, I had to seek external encouragement and I found it here.
So thank you and I thank God for you.
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