Throughout last week (or if I am very honest with myself, since I’ve gotten back to base), my dear colleagues have been a little worried about me. Apparently it’s written all over my face and I look a hot mess. It’s the New Year, a year filled with so much hope, dreams, fulfillment of purpose, but it seems my soul appears so downcast. I believe You Lord, so why the gloomy look?
The mountain climb has been a little overwhelming, for the wind of thought has appeared to me more violent than anticipated, the lantern almost snuffed out, and my feet no longer as steady as it ought to be; and the first month of the year has not fully ended yet, let alone the next 11 months of the year. I have started planning how to spend the rest of the year sleeping, that way my mind will not be playing tricks on me. Surely I cannot be slightly depressed? Wake up Life of a Stranger, wake up. Today you still have a choice. Choose life and you will see if God will not bring about your captivities as if it were a dream (Psalm 126:1-6)... huh?
Let it go, Life of a Stranger.
I have fallen again this time deeper than I thought. I wasn’t expecting this. How did this happen, surely I was on the way up you may ask? Yeah I thought so too, why the gloomy view. But for a moment I took my eye off Jesus, and it happened, and now I’m back on the ring road trying to get off at the first Junction unto the straight path. I need to forget the mistakes of the past and look to the future, one so wonderfully paved with unimaginable joy. And a future that starts even now because today, this day is the day the Lord has made and I am commanded to rejoice and be glad (Psalm 118 vs. 24). The Lord Jesus tells you today He has forgiven you all of your sins, and you have been immersed and washed in His blood. That in itself is more than enough when life’s burden or worries tries to bring you to the point when it seems all hope is gone. Your SINS Are forgiven Life of a Stranger, did you hear that!! Eerm yeah
Get a grip Life of a Stranger.
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize - 1
But Lord, I keep falling.
And I will keep raising YOU UP until you get to the end of the race. So that Your testimony will be like that of Paul’s: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith - 2 Tim. 4:7. Dear Lord I want to and NEED to Fight this fight and finish this race well by keeping Your Faith, but for how long?
Dear Life of a Stranger, don’t be like the pace setters in the long distance races that goes into strict training, lead the pack, only to drop out before the finishing line. For as long as it takes, keep pushing, because one day the race will end and there is a prize waiting at the end of it all. And because I love you with an everlasting love, I am always with you, even in the toughest of it all (Jeremiah 31:3-4). “But I don’t want to keep holding on. I’m tired of trying. What If I choose not to, what will happen? You will miss out on EVERYTHING I have put together for you. So keep holding on. You’ll see it really is beautiful. Cheer up; you are living in the best days of your life, and what better than to know that the creator of the whole wide world has got your back. You have to go through the refiner’s fire for Holy living (Zechariah 13:9), so that in the end everything in you that causes you to fall will be removed.
Really! Ok Lord, I’ll try.
And even though the young may get tired, because you Hope in Me (Isaiah 41:30-31), I will never disappoint you, and will strengthen you. You are the apple of my eyes (Deuteronomy 32:10, Zechariah 2:8). You are most precious to me, my master piece, my most cherished possession; I gave up all just so that you can have access to me. Stop worrying about yesterday’s mistakes and the troubles of tomorrow, for today has enough trouble’s of its own (Matthew 6:34), which Jesus have already overcome for you (John 16:33). Take heart, Stay alert, stay focused, and focus on ME.
Lord You’re just so deep. That’s why you just Rawk you know.
*sigh* Kiss Kiss, I love you Lord. I feel so much better now. So you should. I KNOW I rawk……..
Yay….. Bring on February!!!.