Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Day 3 – What has been the driving force of my life?

What has been the driving force of my life?

As I pondered on this question – I recognise that my life has been at one time or the other been driven by things that don’t involve God. Ecclesiastes 4 vs. 4 – And I saw that all labour and all achievement spring from man’s envy of his neighbour.

Such things as:

· guilt - my past mistakes had been controlling my future in terms of manipulating me through my memories. I understood that when I sinned my guilt disconnected me from God’s presence and like Cain – I had been wandering through life without a purpose [Gen. 4 vs. 12 – when you work the ground it will no longer yield its crop for you. You will be a restless wanderer]. We are the products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it – God is renowned for giving people a new beginning, a fresh start. Psalm 32 vs. 1 – Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit.

· resentment or anger; I needed to release those that have hurt me through forgiveness. Job 5 vs. 2 – resentment kills a fool and envy slays the simple – I am reminded here that by the simple act of me holding resentment I am foolish.

· Fear – That my fear regardless of its root will cause me to miss great opportunities. That it’s a self imposed prison that will keep me from becoming what God intends for me to be. 1 John 4 vs. 18 – There is no fear in Love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

· materialism; that my desire to acquire has become the whole goal of my life, which only provides temporary happiness – cause in the end I will always get bored with things and want newer ones. Reminding me that my value is not determined by my valuables – Because Real security can only be found in that which can never be taken from me which is my relationship with God.

· my need for approval – my being controlled by the opinions of others is a sure way to miss God’s purpose for my life. Jesus said in Matt 6 vs. 24 – no one ca serve two masters.. you cannot serve both God and Money.

So why is it important for me to know my purpose

Knowing my purpose gives meaning to my life – without God life has no purpose, and without purpose life has no meaning. And without meaning life has no significance or hope. In the bible many expressed their despair - Isaiah 49 vs. 4 – I have laboured to no purpose, I have spent my strength in vain and for nothing; Yet what is due to me is in the Lord’s hand, and my reward is with God. Job 7 vs. 6 – my days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and they come to an end without hope. Job 7 vs. 6 – I despise my life; I would not live forever let alone; my days have no meaning. For the greatest tragedy is not death but LIFE WITHOUT PURPOSE. But thankfully the plans that God has for me He knows, and He has declared it into being; plans to prosper me and not harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future – Jer. 29 vs. 11. Ephesians 3 vs. 20 – To him who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask of imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.

Knowing my purpose simplifies my life – Isaiah 26 vs. 3 – you will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you. Knowing my purpose focuses my life – Philippians 3 vs. 13 - ..but one thing I do, forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead. Ephesians 5 vs. 17 – therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s WILL is. Knowing my purpose motivates my life and prepares me for eternity. Because building an eternal legacy is what matters as living to create an earthly one is a short sighted goal. Romans 14 vs. 10, 12 – For we will all stand before God’s judgement seat;… so then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. John 14 vs. 6 – Jesus answered I am the way and the truth and the life – no one comes to the Father except though me.

Lessons Learnt on Day 3

Living on purpose is the path to peace for God will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in God. Previously my family and friends would have said guilt, resentment or anger, materialism and my need for approval were the driving forces for my life. But I am happy to report that it is no longer the case.

Day 2 - Does my Life Matter?

Does my Life Matter?

Why was I born? was it only to have trouble and sorrow, to end my life in disgrace (Jer. 20 vs. 18). This is the questions many ask themselves - and to be truthful I have also asked such questions. In order to answer these questions I must turn to the word of God. As I read His words I realised that Long before I was conceived by my parents, I was conceived in the mind of God. I was thought of - fate, chance, luck coincidence had nothing to do with it. That I am alive today because God wanted to create me. Isaiah 44 vs. 2 – This is what the Lord says – He who made you, who formed you in the womb and who will help you – Do not be afraid. Psalm 138 vs. 8 – The Lord will fulfill ‘His Purpose for me’; The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me

That He deliberately chose my race, the colour of my skin, my hair and every feature of my body. That I was custom made just the way He wanted me to be. Psalm 139 vs. 15 – My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest part of the earth. Therefore, because God made me for a reason He chose when I will be born, what day, month year e.t.c. Psalm 139 vs. 16 – Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

God planned where I would live for His purpose. For His word tells me in Acts 17 vs. 26 – From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth, and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. Nothing in my life is random, its all for a purpose. Ephesians 1 vs.4 – For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight; In LOVE. And James 1 vs. 18 reminds us – He chose to give us birth through the word of truth that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all He created.

Isaiah 45 vs 18 – For this is what the Lord says – He who created the heavens, He is God; He who fashioned and made the earth; He founded it; He did not create it to be empty but formed it to be inhabited. The Lord created the world so I can live in it. And why did He do all this, Because God is Love – I John 4 vs. 8 – whoever does not love does not know God; Because God is Love. I am reminded that God made me in order to express His Love – Isaiah 46 vs. 3-4 – You whom I have upheld since you were conceived and have carried since your birth – Even to your old age and grey hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and will carry you. I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

After studying these verses I finally realise that God made me for a reason and that my life has profound meaning. That when I make God the reference point of my life then I will discover the meaning and purpose of my life. Romans 12 vs.13 – Be Joyful in Hope, Patient in affliction and Faithful in prayer.

Lessons Learnt on Day 2

That I’m not an accident; I was in God’s care before I was born.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Day 1 - Inspiration, Illumination and Revelation

I have been wondering of what to do during this season and those that have been attending the TERC meeting have always heard me complain of my lack of understanding of my purpose.

My church back home in the UK has started 40 days spiritual significant time period and has chosen to study the book by Rick Warren – The Purpose Driven Life. I have had the book for a while (a present from my best friend in 2004) – but I’ve never managed to finish it as I always head straight to chapter one and try to finish the book all in one read. Obviously I get to chapter 12 stop and always find other things to get in my way of completing the book.

Of late – I’ve lacked motivation and my relationship with God appears to have done a downward spiral - in terms of me allowing my problems be more than a distraction. But I have decided that enough is enough.

I have chosen to believe that my DISTRACTION IS A CONFIRMATION OF MY SUCCESS. That the enemy is fighting dirty because he knows that I have an advantage over him because he knows I have Jesus – so he cant beat me or destroy me so he chose to try and distract me. Well I have news for you. It a’int working!!!. I will elaborate on a later date.

Today is Day 2/3 of my spiritual significant period and I have chosen to call this series – Inspiration, Illumination and Revelation. I will try to do a daily / weekly summary of what I believe God is using the book – especially with the help of the bible to teach me. I pray that it will also bless others and write to me if you’ve been blessed by the series. For His word says in 1 Timothy 2 vs. 7 – reflect on what God is saying, For the Lord will give you insight into all this -

Thank you Jesus.

Day 1 – It is not ABOUT ME

In the search for my purpose in life unbeknown to me I had started the search in the wrong place, position and with the wrong questions. I had asked selfish self centred questions like - what is it I want in life?, what is it I would like to do with my life?, where is it I want to be in life?, what are my goals?, my life’s ambition? and where do I see myself going?. There is nothing wrong with asking such questions but the questions needs to be directed to God. Because focusing on ourselves will never reveal our life’s purpose, unless we direct them to God – For His words says in the following verses -

Colossians 1 vs. 16 – “For by Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible..”

Job 12 vs. 10 – In His hand is the Live of every creature – and the breath of all mankind

Romans 8 vs. 6The mind of a sinful man is death but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace

Matt 16 vs. 25 – For whoever wants to save his life will loose it, but whoever looses his life for me will find it

1 Corinth 2 vs. 7 – NO, we speak of God’s secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began

Ephesians 1 vs. 11 – In Him we were chosen having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will.

God is definitely the source of my life – and I Must Turn to His word. I found that -

1. I can only discover my identity and purpose through a relationship with JESUS Christ

2. That His purpose for me predates my conception. That I may choose my career, my life partner, my house, my hobbies, my friends, But I don’t get to choose my purpose – cause without Him all the other stuff is meaningless

3. That the purpose of my life fits into a larger design of God.

Lesson Learnt

So as I pondered on what I have learnt I come to the realisation that – It really isn’t about me, but All about Him – that all things were created by Him for me and that Life is really about living for God and not for my self.

Day 2 to be continued before the end of the day – and Day three which is today will be posted up before tomorrow morning. I’m so loving this.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Warn her for me - very well!!!!!

Your mind can easily be weighed down if you do not take care not to dwell on situations for longer than a sec. pay attention that you don’t loose yourself in the care of the world. Because by making that situation a master over you – then the battle of your mind has already been lost. We need to remember that in all things that God is more than able. To open that door, to restore that which was lost, or to give you that peace that has no sorrow in it.

You remember her – don’t you all

“her” - The woman who never seems to be happy with How God had delivered, saved and blessed her. She had allowed herself to be ungrateful yet again. Had forgotten all that God did and was still doing for her, and because she was busy looking across the lanes that were occupied by others – she had begun to drift over – to the point where the spirit of heaviness had taken over her thought process. She had forgotten Psalm 37 vs. 7 and had disobeyed vs. 8.

I heard her say the other day_ two month but one ago -:

~ What is it that makes me happy? If life itself no longer makes me happy, how can I ever have an abundant life? ~

~ Each day I get a little withdrawn, ashamed of whom I’ve become. Life itself has lost its zest. I find my mind telling me you need to find a way out. But I have no more desire to look for a way out. Each day I become weaker than before, and the strength to move out of the pit continues to leave me ~.

~ What have I become? How have I gotten here? When did it get so bad? ~

~ Worries of life have begun to take over me and the thought of death no longer saddens me ~

~ They will be better off without me; Many times I've considered making a will. My desire to stay alive has been quenched ~ the only thing I look forward to now is when I’m called home ~

~ I have no more aspiration, and can no longer look forward into the future. What have I done to myself I exclaimed? ~

It is obvious that she has been drinking that mind destructing liquor, again – however she is loved, cause no sooner did the thought cross her mind – the Lord reminded her who she was in Christ Jesus – CHOSEN, HIS, BELOVED, SOUGHT AFTER, FRIEND, Great Woman, woman after God’s own heart, Friend of God..

Sometimes I Life of a stranger gets beleaguered trying to encourage this woman. Encouraging her is a full time job I tell ya. Imagine what the angels are saying in heaven concerning this young lady – that complains about life more than Job (and like Job her latter will be better than her former) – She’s just impatient that’s all. She has picked up Psalm 37 again – and the Lord has been using His word to help her through this process. Jaycee reminded me this morning of Romans 2 vs. 1 – this word has been a humbling experience for “her”.

For all the people in a struggle that think God has forgotten you, He hasn’t. Be encouraged. She is. I have also directed her to go read Jaycees blog – that young lady is anointed, or is it our loveliest Cherub and Miss D. She’s sending a shout out to all you ladies.

TERC really is awesome – come check it out when you have the time. The Spirit of the Lord moved this morning really it was an awesome bible study. Looking forward to Next week Friday’s meeting already – God willing I will be there.

Have a blessed weekend.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Drama in paradise.

So I’m not sure if I had mentioned that my mum is in the country. In fact she is in ATL visiting her elder sister. Now she has other sisters and brothers living around Georgia, but her younger sister has fallen out with her elder sister and brother. They have not spoken in years. The youngest one is very strong willed and can say a few strong words to you that could kill if you are not careful. Her elder sister has never been much of one to be involved in a fight – and doesn’t have the strength to argue with anyone.

Anyways the younger one had accused the elder one of doing many ghastly things to her – ok – and the brother had taken offence over her attitude towards them and her insults + insinuations. So now my mum is heavily involved – because she came to visit – and my mum is one of those that are ever ready to fight. Punches or whatever, she is able and ready - The strongest and fittest mum that I have ever known. She could still chase you around the house even now – and her slippers are still able to fly solo non-stop for longer than a few minutes.

Reports have been sent home to gran ma that I am a terrible daughter. Apparently I had said a few things about my mum’s growing up and they were not pleasant to say the least. My people Life of a stranger is in deep trouble. I have been accused of concocting stories and words have been sent home to gran ma about my behaviour. I have had to wake gran ma in the middle of the night to say I’m sorry for whatever it is I have done – I dare not call my aunt a lair – they might turn against me - biko mma eweliwe. My mum’s elder sister believes there is no smoke without fire – so I must have said something. My mama say na lie – they berra stay off her daughter before she deals with them….come and see drama. And the youngest is saying keep me out of it – I told you don’t get me involved.

Aunty what is it I was supposed to have said to you. Biko tell me. There was me having a seriously well deserved nap before making my way to my papers, before my mum called crying that her mama said that I had upset her. Kai. Luckily after speaking to gran ma – she told me not to worry – that she only wants to hear good news that all she asks is that the sisters live in peace. We spoke about other things then I said my good night. Mum returns to England over the weekend – she said she is really looking forward to going home. She don tire…

I’m glad my mum came – however I have found myself in the middle of warring sisters. Now I know how bijou felt back in the day. This is not a good place to be. I miss my fav aunties. All this sisters – why must they spoil things for us?/ or should I say me.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Why cant he let it go

Or should I say me [she said].

He loves me, he says. I think I know he does, he's made his intetions and his feelings glaringly clear to me. I think I love him too. Its so easy being with him, and talking to him - apart from his fake amerablam accent - Im not sure if he's lived in the US before - infact I know he hasn't - but I think I can go past the accent, and accept him for who he is.

I'm trying to be realistic. I need to make sure I love him for the correct reasons and not because of the way he makes me feel especially when I hear his voice. He still calls even after we'd said our goodbyes. He said he understood and have accepted, and yet he always makes me want to loose control of myself whenever I talk to him. I know its probably my flesh taking, but I should know better.

Darn it, why woun't he just let me go. It would have been alot easier to look forward to the future, but all this taking 10 steps backwards and two steps forward is taking its tool on me. I think Im tired now. My mind is made up and I remain resolute on my decision, but if only he could move on, I know I will be happy. I shan't tell as lie. His words of encouragement, and his remarkable insights into life's problems is very much needed, and just a word from him commands much respect. How can he be so good, but so wrong.

He needs to let her go. Its time she starts to look forward to what plans God has instore for her. I pray he can let it go, and then let her go.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


The following is an excerpt taken from the message sent to my email box weekly by the pastor of my church in England. And I felt to share it. I believe it will bless someone.

“ye have not, because ye ask not”. James 4.2

To bless means to give favour. Give pleasure. Bring happiness. Bring success. So the man who wants, like Jabez to, be more honourable than his brothers prays, Whatever You do, Lord, please bless me, and bless me a lot! Bless me significantly.

Jabez started, like Jacob, with many odds against him. From childhood, he was a prisoner of a curse of sorrow and pain. Yet what is most memorable about this man is not where He started or what he had to overcome, but where he ended up. Take a few moments to ask yourself what name you or others or circumstances have put on your life. Is your heritage or record stamped with labels like – Disappointment – Not very Smart – Unwanted – Rejection – Failure – Continuous Sickness / illness – Poverty – Servitude?

Your Heavenly Father’s name for you is not any of these; It is – CHOSEN (John 15.19 NIV) – MINE (Psa50.10-1) – BELOVED (Deut 33.12) – SOUGHT AFTER (Isa6212) – FRIEND (James 2.23) – Prosperous – Cedar – Mighty Man of Valour – Great Woman – Burning and shining light – Man after God’s own heart – Friend of God – etc.

Start praying the prayer of Jabez daily from today! Read it in 2 Chronicles 4.9,10. You may want to enlarge it and pray something like this for this week:

Dear Lord,

I want every single blessing that You would love to give me.

Forgive me for not desiring these enough to ask for them.

Please open Your heart, and be gracious to me. So let me experience You today,

In all of Your abundant loving kindness, even though I am in all of my unworthiness.

Touch my life in ways that are very personal so that I don’t miss Your fingerprints.

Bless me, Lord, I pray, bless me, significantly.

And I will praise You from whom all blessings flow.

In Jesus Name. Amen.

Hope your week has been good. I have been praying this prayer and I’m expecting something super to happen swiftly soon. Stay blessed all.