Friday, January 29, 2010


*giggles* *giggles* *giggles*

What are you giggling about”? Followed by a hiss! A man remarked walking past albeit very quickly, in a most terribly vexed manner, as if someone had somehow irritated him.

Some people have gone quite raving mad, He said, how can one be standing in front of a dry fountain and a dead tree a stone throw from a grave yard, and still have something to giggle about? continued the man as I watched him hasten his steps. He even started to run at times, as he went up the road, from where she stood still giggling. Often times he would turn around to see if she was still standing there, time and time again he would shake his head in disbelief, for she still continued to giggle to herself.

After what seemed to be an eternity, I watched her depart from the spot, and making sure her garments were securely fastened to her body, she crossed over to the other side, still smiling to herself. Hmm, what an odd experience I thought, and so I went towards the spot, and tried to figure out what had just happened. It was the middle of January; the floor was still covered with ice, and some of the snow that had been on the ground for a while had refused to melt away. I knew also the tree she stood in front of all too well. In fact it is the very same cherry tree I occasionally stop to look at on my way to and fro (I know it was a cherry tree because I know the tree very well); and you should see it during its season; and the fountain, it never stops flowing in its time. And because I go past this exact spot every day, I have found that there were set times for the fountain to be switched on and off, and the season to which the cherry blossomed. And the grave yard, well it looks better when there is day light.

Looking at this spot now, all dull, dry and empty; you would never believe what it looks like when in season if I told you. You would never believe me if I tried to explain to you how it looks. It truly is Magnificent. But you see it appears we have happen upon it during its lifeless period. The tree was not recognisable, in truth you would not be able to identify what tree it was.

Then I too started to smile to myself.

And silently I thanked the Lord Jesus for His revelations

Some times what you know for certain about the Sovereignty of God can simply render you speechless; and it finally made sense why the lady was lost for words. For even though she had happened upon them in their season of “drought” she already KNEW what awaited them. And so she smiled and giggled and laughed, for she already saw their glorious manifestations which was SURE, but moments away.

If I can be confident of the glorious destiny that awaited my fountain and tree, how much more do you think God is when it comes to us? For He has said of us - Before I formed you in the womb I knew you – Jeremiah 1:5a. And know this for certain of us - My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them - Psalm 139:15-17.

What the man had failed to realise was that even though the fountain was dry and the tree appeared dead, it was in fact a building up, strengthening, and self preservation period. It was indeed a period which was necessary for their survival. It may not have been outwardly visible but it was there nonetheless. The fountain had no water running through it, so that it doesn’t become frozen and crack the fine marble work which it uses to hold the water in. And the tree, well, it has to get rid of all the unnecessary parts that may expose it to the extreme elements of the cold weather designed to kill it if adequate measures were not taken. They are both well, but just not functioning at their very best. They may appear dead, but their dead, dull, dry and empty nature was workingin secretto keep them alive for their glorious season, for their glorious destiny.

For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God- Romans 8:20.

And therefore - I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us – Romans 8:18.

Since - our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all - 2 Corinthians 4:17

I have finally truly realised that indeed nothing is real. It is true that our God who is the God of all time and seasons, is the controller of all things. The spiritual that controls the physical, what was not seen that controlled what she saw. And therefore, every season of stagnation in our lives is momentarily, which means it has a valid from and an expiry date. But we must understand the purpose of the seasons, and become conscious of what it is working out for us – our greater glory. So whatever that may seem dead, lifeless, dormant, stagnant, not progressing, lacking any form of movement, is working for you a far greater glory than you may ever think of or even imagine.

After it had suffered a while (the bitter cold conditions), the season of its fruitfulness was always restored. And the proof of its restoration was the fruit it bore, oh yes, my favourite fruit in the whole wide world, the CHERRY fruit. Like my cherry tree and the fountain, we have not been created to be stagnant for a LONG time. That is why you notice how quickly while in season it bears fruit - the revelation in its appointed time will come quickly and there will be no delay – Habakkuk 2:3. And if the season has come and there is still no proof of it, then it must be under a curse of the Law (Deut. 28:58-60 - If you do not carefully follow all the words of this law, which are written in this book, and do not revere this glorious and awesome name—the LORD your God- the LORD will send fearful plagues on you and your descendants, harsh and prolonged disasters, and severe and lingering illnesses. He will bring upon you all the diseases of Egypt that you dreaded, and they will cling to you.; and Exodus 15:26).

But because we have been redeemed, from the curse of the law, the blessings of speedy restoration is all ours – Galatians 6:20 - He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.. Just like my cherry tree, because we have been redeemed, we are no longer permitted to stay stagnant longer than what the season requires. SO SINCE the proof of our restoration is the fruit (answered prayers) we bear, SEE to it that whatever is making a mockery of it is placed under the curse it is entitled to.

There is a time and season for all things (Eccl. 3:1), therefore see to it that in this season the year of HIS glorious manifestation, your fruit come into bud, and become radiant so that all eyes who once doubted the presence of the Omnipotence in your life, will see it, and call you blessed. For indeed every eye is upon you waiting for you to be PUBLICIZED. Remember - The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed - Romans 8:19. You are a child of God, it is your season of honour and glory, so arise and let your light shine forth – Isaiah 60:1.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Fight of Faith

So I’ve got me a brand new Note book writing out what I want the Lord to do for me this 2010. The pages are endless but there is ONE that seems more important to me than the rest of them put together is the desire to HEAR the VOICE of the Lord AUDIBLY. ..

I lifeofastranger will put up a fight of Faith to see prophesies fulfilled in my life this 2010

Lord I want to hear your voice, I want to hear your voice, I want to hear your voice. Not just the still ones, the dreams, visions and revelations, but I want to be able to be walking down the street and be having major conversations with the Lord. Abraham and Moses did, why shouldn’t I :) (So I may not be the father of faith (like Abraham – Hebrews 11: 8-19) or the servant of the Lord and great prophet (like Moses – Deut. 18:18-19, Hebrews 3:1-6), but ****t, I want to be able to hear Him, the way I hear my mum with her long stories, or JJ trying to gist me, or sisbee telling me how wonderful I am. I want to hear Him audibly and very clear.

I want to be like John (one of Jesus’ apostle), as we were told in John 12:28-29 - Father, glorify your name!" Then a voice came from heaven, "I have glorified it, and will glorify it again." The crowd that was there and heard it said it had thundered; others said an angel had spoken to him; when John heard the voice of the Lord, some of the people thought it was thunder they heard, and still others thought it was an angel that spoke, yet Jesus and John knew it was God that spoke. I know for sure I don’t want to be like the crowd that mistook the voice of the Lord for something else.

So how do I intend to achieve this? I intend to start by spending more time awake preparing myself than asleep: So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the LORD his God – 2 Chronicles 27:6. Is Jotham the only one that knows God? I too must do like Jotham did. By fire this 2010 I must prepare my ways before the Lord, because this is what happens when you prepare your ways: The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD – Proverbs 16:1. Once my ways are prepared, God will have to show up for me. I can’t wait. What stories we will share, things my mind could never comprehend.

To prepare myself, (1) I intend to spend more time in His Word. Not just read and study my bible, but start to learn the Greek and Hebrew meanings of the original translations. Not only study His word, but understand what it truly means. (2) Pray continually in the spirit; and (3) Fast and pray like never before to strengthen me to fight the fight of Faith to handle those prophesies God has fulfilled in my life this 2010. I remember august 2005, when JJ and I decided to fast and not stop until God told us when to. We did it for 31 days (we started to become delirious and vexed and had to break it after 31days :)); it was truly an experience. This Year will be better.

This 2010 is not just an ordinary year for me, it is THAT year I have been waiting for. It is going to be a year of determination for me. Where I am now is not the ultimate (You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked - Rev. 3:17; Get up, go away! For this is not your resting place, because it is defiled, it is ruined, beyond all remedy – Micah 2:10), it is indeed a stepping stone to where God is taking me. So So you can see how excited I have now become after finally realizing the plan of God for my life. This is why this 2010, I am determined to prepare myself, to put up a fight of Faith to attain a greater level for myself: I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father – John 14:12. Yay!!!

All I need now is the courage (2 Chronicles 15:8-15) to seek the Lord with all my heart, so that I may find Him. And the confidence to approach Him, so that I may obtain mercy and His grace this 2010 (Hebrews 4:16). For in this 2010, He has restored back to me and completed all the things which he has spoken concerning me (Joel 2:23-27). This is the year you will see me arise and shine, for His glory rises upon me (Isaiah 60:1-3), and nations will come to my light and kings to the brightness of my dawn. My light will shine so brightly this year, so that kings, promotion and undeniable miracles will locate me this year because of the brightness of my light. A time to rejoice because the Lord, King of glory, Lord of lords has exceeded my expectations and has brought to pass the words He has uttered concerning my life. Indeed a year of supernatural glory, for in this His time, a time to favour me (Psalm 102:13), He has enriched my life with joy unspeakable and given me beauty for all my ashes. My best year so far, and a year I will experience the reality (and not the religiosity) of life. A year of unending testimony (a year you will see me not being able to recover from all the testimonies of the things God has done for me this year, because all You will hear from me is the incomprehensible which God has done for me); a year of glory uncommon, a year filled with the manifestation of His promises. A year YOU will see me laugh, and not be able to control myself. Oh what a year.. what a year.. WHAT A YEAR!!. ring forth with a dance!. Hallelujah, for He alone is worthy to be praised.

Watch me Praise Him!!!