It was the end of the “convention” and the time we all went home, not too far now as the clocks ticked away. I was given a few options by the event organizers (one before the nightfall and another first thing day break), and as I contemplated the best, I was convinced that the former was the better and soon I will be home. But, as the time drew nearer, I realized I was unprepared. Convinced as I was, “sade’s man” (I called him so, as I never once thought to ask for a name) would help in such matters with the times and hours. Quickly, I darted out from my block (block D, room 1) in search of he, he who would be my greatest help. As I left, on my way there I met a few all set, and making their way to the set place in good time. I called out to them asking if they knew where I could find such a man, without hesitation they informed me I was on the wrong floor (on the 2nd floor standing in front of 202) in the wrong place and I ought to make my way to the third floor to 332. As I hastily made my way to 332, I met an already hurried man, indeed he confirmed what I already knew, that the boat was due to leave in 7minutes. However, he did mention that the final stop was “Warri”. “Warri” I said to him, are you sure this boat is going to Warri? (albeit this part had been conveniently concealed previously – but for what purpose?).
In spite of this new revelation, I was still determined to get on board; and even though I had no business in Warri, and it was never the intended stop, I would board all the same and thereafter make plans on how to get to my final destination.
As I tried to make a dash back from the block that housed 202 and 332, back to 1D I wondered if I was ever going to be able to make it back to the boat on time, this very boat that everyone appears to be boarding. And even though I had no business in Warri and knew that home was still a long way from the boat’s final stop, I did however question why it was so important for me to board this boat before nightfall, instead of sitting out the night till the day breaks for the non-stop morning ride home. And although a part of me tried to reason with me, the other was more persuasive and quick to point out just how I could be the only one left behind, and how important it was to join in and be part of it all. And though this journey was not suitable and would undoubtedly create difficulties later, I couldn’t help but wonder why I was driven to make the nightfall journey. After weighing my options, I threw caution to wind, proceeded back to 1D, hurriedly picked up my things, and speedily made my way to the port.
As I got closer, the boat had started to pull away, instantly I started to call out to the men on the harbor, please don’t leave me behind, please wait for me. My baggage a little heavier than I had expected, breathless, fatigued, unfit as I was, I continued, wait for me, don’t go, I have my tickets, but it appeared that my drowned out shout was falling on deaf ears. Still reluctant to give up, I gave a last push willing myself to get just that bit closer, maybe then they will see me and stop. But alas, they couldn’t hear or see me. And slowly they began to disappear from sight. As I sat on the pier, wondering how silly it was of me to have pressed on, I couldn’t help but to think, maybe just maybe being left on the waterfront might have been a blessing after all.
After resting a little while on the bay, I picked up the pieces of my broken self, and slowly started to head back to block 1D where I had the only option of waiting patiently for the morning boat, the non-stop express that would take me home. And even though the nightfall journey from a distance might have appeared closer to home, in reality it would have left me stranded, as I tried to console myself.
Lord I thank You for your WORD (Isaiah 40:8) and how You take the promises (Jeremiah 33:14) You made to us seriously. When You said the steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord (Psalm 37:23), You meant it in its entirety and because of that promise I know it is well with me (Isaiah 3:10).
No matter how hard I tried to board the wrong journey, to set foot on the wrong path, even though it appeared that I was missing out, since everyone was “missing in”; praise God that His very own perfect undeniable, unstoppable “WILL” was what He intended for me, and even though it came in the morning after a long eventful night, it did come, and I made it to my final destination. For what He had purposed for me He used His hands to bring to pass (Isaiah 14:24; 27). For what He planned Long ago in my day break he brought to pass (Isaiah 37:26). Thank you Lord for helping me to wait (Hab. 2:3), and though I tried to create my own visions, thank you Lord for taking away the punishment my disobedient incurred (Zephaniah 3:15) and reinstated your Vision by bringing me to my resting place(Zephaniah 3:20).
I try not to imagine what could have happened if I had made it onto the wrong path. But for God, I am here to thank Him for His love, His dedication, His goodness and faithfulness. For He dared me to Hope, even after all my hopes had died. He dared me to believe even when all was lost. He pushed me to hold on, even though the lines were blurry. He urged me to take a bold step, even when fear had crippled me. He chose me even after all had rejected me (Isaiah 41:9), He loved me even after one had hated me. He honoured me even after one had dishonoured me (Zephaniah 3:20; Isaiah 43:4); He crowned me with glory in place of the shame and disgrace lying in wait for me (Isaiah 50:7). He turned my mourning into gladness and joy in place of sorrow (Jeremiah 31:13; Isaiah 61:3). And though I stumbled on countless times, I did not fall, for He steadied me and made my ways firm (Psalm 37:23-24). And though thick darkness surrounded me, He guided me still through unfamiliar paths and turned the deep darkness into light (Isaiah 42:16). And because of the finished work of Christ on the cross, I can rejoice and have His peace upon me (Isaiah 53:3-5).
So today dear Lord I ask you to help me to be patient at all times, to be driven by YOU and not by the world. To correct me Lord with your unending Love and Justice (Jeremiah 10:23-24); because now I know that only You Lord directs the steps of a man. To know when to move and when to stop, and to humbly follow your lead and not be strong willed and be disobedient. Today Lord I thank you because you have shown to me that your promises supersede all and even though they tarry they will never prove false, for indeed each of them have and will indeed come to pass. Thank you Lord for exposing my ignorance, for indeed all boats that go to Warri, do not go to Nkwerre, Oron or Ekpoma (you can add your own place here).