Then one day on my way back from naples in Italy, as I laid exhusted on the train station floor, by myself, wasn't even sure if I had fainted from the lack of sleep, with the tannoy anouncements of the train departures on full blast - I heard him, three times "Life of Stranger, before too long you will have cause to praise him. Life of stranger Before it's over, you will have cause to prasie God. Life of a stranger... you will have cause to glorify God". I woke up immediately. I wondered to myself if I had just imagined it. I wasn't thinking of anything par-se. Nor was my mind engaged in anything. All I knew before then was, I was tired and desperately needed sleep. I realised it must have been God, of whom I thought had forgotten me, and I was now living the fruits of my past mistakes. I woke up dusted myself, and started praising God. A month after that encounter, I collapsed in my office all by myself almost dying until my colleagues found me after 9pm at night. God is not a man that He should lie, nor does His words return to Him void. He has spoken great things concerning me, therefore lonliness nor death was not going to take that away. I thank God for choosing me inspite of it all.
I dont know if there is anyone feeling lonley today, or feel they have nothing to live for, or it appears that nothing will come their way, so they've settled to just live and let their life continue to roll away. I am here to tell you that nothing in your life is ever destined to remain the same. I am here to tell you that regardless of where you are now, God is forever with you. Just yesterday as I spoke to my friend and how we reminiced about the time she came to visit me here on the mountains of Italy, and how I confessed with my lips, the impossibility of anyone ever finding me here. Even with the kind of faith she had, after she had looked at my surrounding and had spent some time here with me, she concured and wondered how can it ever be possible. But today here I am to testify even in the tickest of forests or highest of mountains, even in the lonliest of journies or longest of roads, God is with you and when it is your time to be blessed it will come to pass.
And so it came to pass.