I’m sorry all for leaving you all hanging like that. Was trying to get myself fully relaxed, energised and morning ready for what I’m about to do next. And no it wasn’t about a marriage proposal, the marriage proposal was a while ago, and as you all well know I had to give him an answer. So no, my trip to Nigeria wasn’t really that eventful, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself no less.
After my trip to Nigeria, I realised that I have become that girl that all your boyfriends have as best friends before they met you, or talk about all the time because we are such great mates; who they are still trying to link up and hang out the same way they used to before they were married, even though they know that she knows that things aren’t the same any more, which then upsets them because they feel she has changed. No Sugar, of course she has changed, you are married dim wit, and she doesn’t want to be the third in the crowd, and yes she is very happy for you, and no, she has no feeling for you. It so happens that she no longer wants to be your Bessi mate, your girlfriend / wife should be now.
OK! So what was I on about, yes, my imminent move to a different part of Europe. I was offered different positions; of particular interest to me was the one in Okinawa Japan, and the other in Italy. Suffice to say, I would still have had to learn a new language regardless of which offer I took. I have opted to take the Italian Job, with a very rich surrounding on the very top of the gigantic mountains on the North Eastern Part of Italy; in a village called Povo. The area shares borders with Austria, and it appears I might have to learn German as well. The University is a very old one, and the centre I will be working in is heavily funded by pharmaceuticals and biotech companies, Microsoft being one of them. I like to have funds to make sure my research is carried out well, which made this offer a clear first compared to the others.
So come next week, after my return from Belgium I will be moving my things and me to Italy, first stop Verona. It appears that the life of a stranger will continue the chronicles of her life as she leaves home yet again to embark on a journery she continues to ask the good Lord to bring to an end.
So all this was my new development. No misunderstanding was intended. I would add I am told that Milan is hrs away on the North west side, so shoppers keep me in mind. Hope everyone is having a great summer, and those in the UK, hope your exams went well.
The very best.