Thursday, October 26, 2006

Name Your Purpose

Its in doubt when the worst decisions of ones life is made and its in lack of knowledge that mistakes are multiplied. I find myself troubled and perplexed - for once in my life - I am unable to make a decision because of lack of knowledge. Why do I say this - I am troubled because once in my life I find myself unable to name my purpose in life. I am a woman of favour, for the Lord has blessed me in indeed and I can say that I have tasted and know that the Lord is good and I am persuaded that my God is more than able and the plans He has for me ears have not heard or eyes conceived - so why Im I troubled? why do I keep repeating the same question to myself - How comes you still do not know your purpose? - I finally realised not only is it important to know who you are in Christ Jesus but to also know the walk for which He has called you for. His words says, that I am chosen, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and I belong to God so that I will declare His praise (1 Pet 2 vs 9) - But what does He say about my purpose ?

I had always prayed to be in His Will to walk the path He has set out for me - I had been basking in His favour, in His grace, in His abundance - In His Love - My life a living testimony of the goodness of the Lord - But still I had erected barriers to keep Him out.

Woe to me I exclaimed - I have not been listening to Him - His grace and love have been with me so that I can boldly declare His praise but my heart had been closed - on lock down - I had deafened Him out - I pray what I think He thinks I should be praying - I had been limiting God by fancying that I know what He can do - I had not opened my mind to expect unexpected things - to pray what He wants me to pray for - I had overcrowded my mind with my spiritualism instead of the simplicity that is in worshiping God - Infact I had missed Him FULL STOP - But because of HIS GRACE - because of His grace - I have been given another chance to hear again - Dear Lord I cry out - the walls are torn down - Speak to me Im listening - What is it you want me to do?

People come into your life for a reason - sometimes as a wake up call for things you have been doing wrong - Its time for a change - A good change I hope.

So then I ask - Name your purpose - God willing I will be able to soon.

Monday, October 23, 2006

No serious gist - just Dilema

So seing as I have no gist - and though there has been alot that has happened, trying to put them together has been a very challenging task. So here I am seeking out my christian blog friends to pray for life of a stranger. I say this becasue I thought you all ought to know the developments on the 'jeep guy' front.

So the guy has taken it upon himself to harrass me morning noon and night, at work, at home, in bed, asleep, even in the Loo. The point is he sounds sooo good and helpless, so yeye life of a stranger cant even say - leave my life alone - to the guy. In fact I sort of look forward to his harrassments (let me tell the truth - the truth shall set me free). Most of our conversations is normally about how he will give me a happy home, and how he will spend the rest of his life making me happy, and how I will be an envy of every married woman and how he has stopped at his bus stop and is not moving again. I dont mean to brag - But I know I got it all - Looks, intelligence, financially stability, and most Importantly GOD. So none of all his raps about complimenting me will work, cause I know I got it. LOL - But on a serious note, his sweet talk is working, I no go lie - He has proposed officially now with an $18,000 platinum diamond ring (for all those who know about this type of things - is this too cheap - LOL - kai I never said I will accept - see your looks - kai)

But here are the pitfalls - He is not a medical doctor - you know a heart surgeon; His only qualification is masters in Theology and an honorary doctorate in theology - It would have been nice if he had a doctorate in medicine - you know - He's not 6ft 3inches, so my sons might be average like me LOL - (I will come back and propogate this list) - Seriously he is a strange man, in terms of I dont know who is he - yes I know thats what the getting to know him is all about but who are his friends - who is jeep guy??

I am so convinced that he is not the one cause of the manner in which he came and have not bothered to put him in prayers - I mean why waste useful prayer time - but my people I want to tell the truth, he has begun to wear me down. Even that my friend KC has started to say that I, a whole life of a stranger is no longer available on the market, that I don go umahia. Imagin. What arrant nonsence.

Please pray for Life of a stranger - this distractions must stop - this harrassments must stop (even if it will affect my ego) - Pray for the peace of mind for everyone especially jeep guy. Maybe its about time I stop treating this as a joke - its like its very very serious - how did this all happen - na lie I no go marry this man. Hm - I have already told God.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

An attempt to answer my TAGGED questions

So you would all like to know a little about me - at the point of sounding pessimistic - I know its a matter of days before my cover as a C-I-A [currently - in hiding - agent] is blown. LOL.

Let us Begin:

1. Professional Student - and doing the following on the side -
2. Claims assessor
3. Local Council Receptionist
4. Real Estate Agent

1. Professional Singer - Gospel obvioulsy
2. Catwalk Model - for people my height
3. Professional Shopper
4. Lingerie tester - you know how it is

1. Cassablanca - Humphrey Bogart is da Lick..
2. Sound of Music - Those were the days
3. Gone with the Wind - Frankly my dear ..
4. Pride and Prejudice [BBC Dramatisation]

1. London
2. Manchester
3. Blacksburg
4. Chester

1. Law & Order [Criminal Intent]
2. CSI & all the spin offs [Miami; NY]
3. House
4. Eastender; Corronation Street; Emmerdale

1. Aya napa - Cyprus
2. Heidelberg - Germany
3. Gosau - Austria
4. Goteborg - Sweden

1. Pubmed
2. Webmail
3. Google
4. Blogger

1. All Kinds of ofe soup
2. Pepper soup
3. Beans porridge
4. moi moi - is the badest + all the delicious mouth watering nigerian foods [ngwo ngwo ; Ukwa; Im salivating - I must resist]

1. sushi
2. sea weed
3. amala
4. raw onions

1. moi moi
2. moi moi
3. moi moi
4. moi moi

1. Light Stand
2. My tons and tons and tons of bags and shoes
3. bed
4. My stupendous amount of outfit

1. A Husband
2. Nothing - I need deliverance from the once I have

1. Huge grey T-shirt with Boston written across the front

1. Heaven
2. My church back home - they are having juanita Bynum preach today I want to go home

3. Home
4. Nigeria

1. In the world of exclusive shopping
2. Name Brand Discount Village
3. Village of bags
4. Designer shoes Discount village

1. My Blog people - remember when Im getting married you all are invited oo - Ive given you enough notice
2. My old Liverpool Crew
3. Hapri and umaru
4. Kim and Carlyn
5. My London, Manchester Crew - Big up

1. My relationship with God
2. Im so silly - You need divine help
3. God should settle me asap
4. The next sale - UK style

1. Houses
2. Cars
3. Handbags and shoes - you know they are one right!!!
4. Coats

1. I enjoy sitting at home chilling - rocking to my music
2. A good destination is wasted on me - you can take the babe out of the bush but you cant the bush out of the babe - LOLOL
3. I weigh myself everyday
4. I cant swim

They are already tagged

Discalimer - I know it sounds like I'm materialistic (you don't say!!!!!!) - but Im learning not to store up for myself riches where moths and pests will devour but to begin to store up for myself in heaven riches that will last.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

He proposed to me - Its not what you think!!

I would like to send out love to you all that joined me in shouting out praises to God.

I am back, and have had a strange man call me, he has proposed, asked for my hand and wants me to be his wife - mother to nations. Come and listen to story - I know I have been out of the dating game for a while [seriously of no fault of mine], but shouldn't I been asked out on a date, wined and dined, the whole phones call shinanigans and can't live without them kinda feeling. This all in 1hr 13mins of conversation, which subsequently led to 7hrs 45mins conversation. I wont lie I was enjoying the talk.

You asked what happened. How did this thing happen again to life of a stranger. I must give him thumbs up for his boldness. This is how it started. My good friend [lets call him KC] was speaking to me online about his business, and was also prophesying into his life that this time next year he would be married. He had a pastor friend of his that sat next to him, who was visiting him at the time. The guy aparantly was very sucessful and into charity work, and as I sat talking to my friend the man came on the phone and introduces himself to me. The conversation was very short to say the least. I was mortified that someone was present and was listening to our conversation.

Anyways! my friend then asked if I could give him a few mins while he walks the man to his car. He comes back and says to me, "the guy really likes you, and hes just bought a brand new jeep; he'll buy one for you too", this friend of mine has a weird sense of humour, like I couldn't afford to buy myself a jeep. Well I thought that was the end of that line of conversation, only to come home today and who was it that calls, the guy that will buy me a jeep.

We spoke for a while I wasn't going to be rude, I felt he might have some words of wisdom for me. As I entertained his conversation it dawned on me that he was serious about getting to know me more and was hoping it would lead to you know what. I was like it by force. The Lord did not tell me; I dont want to be that man of God from Judah [and we know what happened to the man of God]. This is the third time a total stranger has prophesed love and marriage like this. At least the second dude was lebanese, he once in a while visited my church, he was having dreams. You know the rest. He was disturbing my pastor at the time; and could not wait to be counselled, cause he couldn't handle it anymore. He tells me God told him that I was his wife. Serious dey craze..I fit look like lebanese to you..NONSENSE..LOL; but it was a very scarey time for me. People proposing left side and centre. At that time I had just come out of a serious relationship cause I found out the dude wanted to use me for papers..imagin..Its been dry on that front for a while. But a reputable pastor, life of a stranger dont suffer...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

OOh my History - But what a record

Hello my people, first of all I would like to ask that yall give a shout of Praise to God for He is trully magnificent and Faithful. Would you believe life of a stranger and airport chaos yet again.

Here is where I begin;

So I had a very early flight to catch out to seattle then to tokyo; Back in the day, I would be at the airport very early but since my new found status [best part of a year] I have been strolling into the airport with 45mins to spare and I have always managed to catch my flight. So How was I supposed to know that United would close its counter 30mins prior to departure at this small airport. As I arrived at this very small insignifant airport in the middle of nowhere, my airline United had closed its gates, was not serving and they had overbooked by 6. I could not even check my luggage in electronically. After a 45mins wait, their counter was reopened, and I was told that because I strolled in very late, I would have to rebook.

First of all I was going to do the "how dare you speak to Dr. so and so, do you know where I teach" kinda speach, but by this stage, I had missed all my connection flight. Serious Yawa. I had an audience waiting for my presentation, and If I was going to make it out in time I was now going to pay 1500 dollars, but they couldnt promise me this. I had called the United free phone number, they were very symathetic, but had no spaces left, and told me that the airplanes were overbooked.

Serious Yeyyyyyy. Mogbe.. Im dead ooooo.

My people it wasnt even the money, I had learned as a child that we are responsible for our mistakes and so I had to deal with this mistake, even if it were a costly one, but you see I had also checked with the other airlines, and they had no spaces left and so could not sell me a ticket to try and get out anywhere to connect to tokyo. I was informed that American airlines had cancelled two of its flights to tokyo, hence fully booked.

I wasn't sure what next to do, I consided going home, I mean what else could I do, so I started to pray. I reminded God of my lazy solicitor friend whom He came through for after she had missed an appointment with her client which almost cost her the case. I started to sing "My God is an awsome God who reigns" so that even the next person in the que could hear me.

So as I sat on the counter space where luggages were weighed, singing my God is an awsome God and praying, a united representative spent a significant amount of time on that machine of hers, and says to me, she could put me on a flight from chicago out to tokyo [she didnt tell me when], but because all the flights out of roanoke was fully booked, she wasn't sure how I was going to get out to chicago. She could only put me on standby. So my status was unknown. There were 6 others on standbye from the earlier flight, and the small plane seated 40. So I wasnt even sure if I was going to fly out of that airport that day. But I praised and glorified God, at least I thought to myself let me get through custom, each step at a time; I can wait 24hrs, its not like I havnt done it before.

My people God is SUPER MIGHTY. Did you know that the flight she put me on as standbye was apparantly cancelled, many people who were suposed to be on this flight had to catch the bus or rent a car, but the truth was the flight was only delayed by 4hrs cause they couldnt get a crew together. I had a couple of professor collegues of mine going to the meeting and were also suppossed to be on this cancelled flght. So we all made it chicago, but they had missed their connecting flight out to tokyo. When we arrived at the United desk, I was hiding my face, as they went to complain - [which one is my own - wasnt it my fault that I missed my flight] - the next thing I heard was "we are sorry mam for all the problems", I was upgraded to practically first class, top notch hotel to spend the night compliments of United, and was hanging out at the premier united club.

I couldnt quite believe what was happening. Didnt they check my HISTORY, I said to myself, I was on the 7.25 flight connecting to tokyo from seattle not the 9.55 chicago connection. But you see, my history had been erased, the Lord had given me a new RECORD (filled with favour), which was now showing that I was on the cancelled flight and I deserved their appologies and compliments. I was no longer travelling alone, but with people. These professors took super great care of me, and they were the best.

The Lord had turned my mistake, my fault to a joyous blessing. My history was I had been presumptions to think that I could get away with strolling in late to the airport, missed my flight, was required to pay a 1500 dollar bill, and was facing the ridicule of not turning up at a presentation arranged 6months in advance; but the Lord who did not allow me to be put to shame, GAVE me a new record. Yes I missed my flight, but I did not miss the most important day, today I gave my presentation.

As I began to praise God and gloryfy God, I realised I should not be anxious for anything, cause if He came through for me during this potentially costly mistake, the Good Super Great plans that He has promised He would bring to pass. Cause He is the same Yesterday Today and Forever. He will never change.

Please People thank Him for me WELL WELL, because if it hadnt been for the Lord on my side............................................