I am sure if you ask many what their worst fear is, they would all say falling with your entire body on the floor in a public place. But for me, falling is no longer an issue, as it appears that the majority of places I have visited I have tripped or fell face down on the floor. There is this particular occassion I would like to blog about only because it was the most recent. Like really really recent.
You know how it is ladies when you are travelling, and you try to look your best. For me there is no such thing as travelling light. Even if its for a few days, you need to have 3-5 possibilities of what to wear for each time of the day. For example evening wear, you might decide to go out on a nice evening out, a fish and chips takeout, or stay home and eat what I've cooked, either way, these are 3 events, and each has possible outfits. So basically, the long and short of it is I don't know how to travel light.
So on this particular day, I had waited a little while to get my excess loaded luggage, and it was a struggle to get it out of the baggage handler. Normally I feign lack of strength and others around tended to help, but this day no one did. There was no way I was going to try and lift it onto a luggage carrier; now that would have snapped my back in two (you see I am 5Ft. 3 inch, and the suitcase was almost as tall as I am), so I decided to roll it on its wheel. As I attempted to roll the baggage, my high heeled shoe got caught on the rollers, the case fell, overpowered me, and took me with it, exclaming "shame" as I fell, and there I was on the floor yet again. I knew people saw me, we had all just arrived on a fully packed international flight, so everyone saw me, but it was a normal occurence so I picked myself up, and brushed off the dirt, repositioned my case and was about to walk on when this black brother came to me. He didn't come to help, he came just to tell me he liked what he saw and gave me a card. Well, no award for telling you what came next. The customs people came quickly to ask me if I'd been given anything to bring, and insisted I opened my bag. Basically it was an experience and I wish I could say never to be repeated but knowing me you just never know.